What are taxi signs in One Piece Odyssey?


    As you explore Waford in One Piece Odyssey, you will encounter many mysterious and strange things. Often these are not explained, which can leave you confused about their purpose. This includes taxi signs, which might have you wondering what to do with taxi signs in One Piece Odyssey.

    The taxi signs you see in One Piece Odyssey are Yoisa Taxi Signs. This is the fast travel system in the game. However, you cannot use them until you unlock this ability. This means that even if you find them at the beginning of Chapter 1, you still won’t be able to use them. So for now, ignore them until you unlock fast travel.

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    How to Unlock Yoisa’s Taxi Signs in One Piece Odyssey

    You will naturally unlock Yoisa’s taxi signs and travel fast in Episode 2 from One Piece Odyssey. This chapter will take you to Alabastor and relive a memory. During this chapter, you will eventually reach an oasis in the great sand desert. You will be interrupted by Yoisa, but this will also unlock the ability to fast travel from Yoisa Taxi Signs.

    How to fast travel in One Piece Odyssey

    To fast travel in One Piece Odyssey, interact with a Yoisa Taxi Sign to travel fast between signs. You must first have interacted with and activated a sign to use it. You can interact with Yoisa Taxi Signs before unlocking fast travel, allowing you to use it after unlocking this feature. So make sure you interact with all the signs when you see them to avoid having to backtrack.

    For more information on One Piece Odyssey, check out How to Get Usopp’s Traveling Sniper King Outfit in One Piece Odyssey and All One Piece Odyssey Outfits and How to Get Them in MyFullGames.


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