#Statizty: learn more about the first image that was captured by an exoplanet


    Every week, the TechWorld conference called #AstroMiniBR bring together five relevant and fun astronomical facts authored by the contributors to the Twitter profile to spread knowledge of this science. The oldest of all time!

    One: The satellites of the galaxies are our satellites.

    Our galaxy is surrounded by dozens of satellite galaxies.

    This galaxie is inserted into the Milky Ways disk just two or three times. While generating this process long sextes of gas and stars are formed by the tidal force of gravitational interaction.

    Ana Carolina is a possession (@astroposses) December 26, 2022

    The orbital dynamics of the two massive bodies usually leads to common actions in the Universe. The Newtonians and the Keplers laws of planetary motion state that when a body is too close to another body by mass, it might orbit, creating a satellite.

    In the case of large systems such as Galaxies, a satellite galaxy is just the planet’s stellar system which orbits a larger galaxy due to gravity interaction.

    Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has several satellite galaxies that are part of the local subgroup. So far there are 59 discovered small galaxies within a distance of up to 1.8 million light-years from the Milky Way. But most of these are not necessarily orbiting, as some orbit other satellite galaxies. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are the only visible species of the naked eye. The population has watched them since prehistoric times.

    2: Astronomy and faux colors.

    ?? Generally, multiple color astronomical images that we see aren’t observed directly.

    The object is observed a number of times, and then we associate color to each other: the final result is a different image.

    ??=???AstroMiniBR pic.twitter.com/S1f75yaAZS.

    Thiago Flaulhabe (@TFlaulhabe) Jan. 6, 2023

    Do you know that stunning photo of a nebula or galaxy that you usually view on the Internet? You could look at the image of a digitally treated image with false colors.

    In general, images from astronomical observations, such as those from the Hubble Space Telescope, are black and white or have a specific color tone, such as those from James Webb, that are reddish. The reason for this is the fact that the sensors in this telescope aren’t as effective as our commercial camera.

    In general, commercial cameras have 3 subpixels per pixel, each of which helps capture in red, green, blue, and other color channels. A color image is captured on the left of this collection. Scientific detectors are not equipped with this same system. They have only one large pixel instead of three. Commercial sensors help collect many colored lights, but it is almost never necessary for scientific purposes.

    Three: Two perspectives of the same celestial object.

    This is the same nebula with a sh2-54 ion.

    This is an image that captures the light of the object, where we see the complex gas and dust system surrounding the central region.

    yanna martins frank. Jan. 4, 2023.

    This beautiful nebula is a vast bright nebula in the constellation Serpent! Being above the wavelengths in two different wavelengths, optical and infrared, one of the most important aspects of this nebula is its core. There are many protostars and many other extremely young stars.

    Astronomers estimate that the oldest star population in this area has a average age of 4 – 5 million years, and its component is mostly grouped in the open cluster called NGC 6604. Nebula Sh2-54 belongs to a wide range of regions, including the famous Eagle and Omega Nebula.

    One light show in the sky.


    Aurorae are phenomena that occur due to the interaction between the solar wind (silber particles) and the magnetic field of Earth in the upper atmosphere.

    They are visible in regions atop the North and South Pole of the Earth.

    Thiago Flaulhabe (@TFlaulhabe) December 28, 2022

    Did you know auroras are also an astronomical phenomenon? Although a phenomenon is best considered atmospheric, auroras, boreal and southern, make a visible manifestation of complex interactions between the Earth and Sun.

    An aurora is a sporadic phenomenon usually composed of faintly glowing objects. All this is visible in the night sky from different places. According to those living on this planet, auroras often turn out to be faint, milky-looking glows, not bright enough to illuminate clouds. distant, invisible objects appear on a loom by the horizon.

    It could develop in the greenish arcs or form shimmering, bluish-yellow curtains. In the intensifying displays, auroras may be visible from the mid-latitude areas, such as central Europe or northwestern the American Republic.

    This photo is made out of an extrasolar planet and the star2M1207b orbits a brown dwarf and is 230 light years away. This image is comparable to Jupiter, with a mass 5x larger than our gas giant and a distant distance from its star 55x the Earth-Sun distance?AstrominiBRc VLT/ESO pic.twitter.com/L2y885o4oyoy Astroslc VLT/ES

    yanna martins frank (@martins_yanna) January 4, 2023

    The exoplanet is called 2M1207 (im center of the image).

    The record was built in 2004 by the Very Large Telescope in Chile. It confirms that 2M1207b is a Jupiter-like planet with five times the mass of the gas giant. The distance between the brown dwarf and the Sun is about 55 times greater than the distance between Earth and the Sun, and it’s located in the constellation Hydra in 230 light years of the Earth.


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