Samsung will present 12 startup models at CES


    Samsung always has a huge presence at CES, so it’s nice to see the company sharing the spotlight with a few startups he helped fund.

    In-house Samsung startups and eight companies outside is supported in what the company calls a startup accelerator. Samsung says that its cultivated more than 500 small companies in the last five years, and the companies represent the tech giant’s commitment to finding new ideas.

    Four small companies are the following:

    • There is a platform called “Meta-Roading” that can teach students proper running form.
    • Porkamix is a metaverse platform that is capable of interactive concert experiences.
    • Soom, new meditation with a real-time response.
    • Trueette, 3D digital transformation for home fabrics.

    The support for eight companies outside of their company is listed below.

    • NdotLight is a web-based 3D design solution.
    • NEUBILITY is an urban delivery service, funded by self-driving robots.
    • 40FY, a digital mental health app which combines diagnosis to treatment, is a data platform, which provides a diagnosis and treatment for a patient.
    • Molecular eyechild is an eyechild of patients with retinal diseases.
    • Plask, a document, application and browser-based motion capture tool.
    • Wrn Technologies.writing training and content creation using Generative AI.
    • Catius is an AI assistant for the child, as it uses the playback of multiple channels with the help of multiturning conversations.
    • Erangtek is an IoT micro repeater designed for home users to improve call quality.

    Source: Samsung.


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