Payday 3 FAQs remind us that this game might try to steal your time this year


    Payday has posted a new page of FAQs to remind you that the game exists and must be released this year, yet a lot of new information has been provided yet. Payday 3 manager Elisabeth Elvestad wrote that it’s likely to release a few months later in 2023. However, no firmer release window has yet been nailed down yet.

    What exciting is this is the fact that it is being developed in Unreal Engine and will be on PlayStation and Xbox as the same version as it would on PC. Those images could show a possible crossplay and crossprogression functionality, but that wasn’t directly expressed on this page. It wasn’t specified whether it was for the PS4 and Xbox One, as well.

    As of the end of the game, we will take control of the original gang, Dallas, Chains, Hoxton, and Wolf in New York City. With that, essentially all of the information we received regarding Payday 3 beginning 2023 is the same as that we used to take as long as possible. We don’t know what the price is at the beginning of release, although it’s possible that we could expect 70 dollars if we didn’t speculate.

    Starbreeze Studios has certainly gone through some difficult times recently. In 2019, their contract to build their Walking Dead game was suspended because the first PC version received a very bad review and feedback. The studio only had to keep a business running, to sell off their assets. Since then, there has not been much news from the studio but they’re working on the game’s first profitable game series, Payday 3. The Walking Dead will appear better when the game is revealed this year.


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