Is Fire Emblem Engage a core game?


    Fire Emblem has seen many releases over the years, and one question that always comes up is whether the game is a mainline title or a spin-off. Such is the case with the upcoming release of Fire Emblem Engage, and many gamers are wondering if Fire Emblem Engage is a mainline title.

    Is Fire Emblem Engage a spin-off or mainline title?

    If you’re sitting around wondering if Fire Emblem Engage is a spin-off or mainline title or not, it’s unknown. We have not received confirmation from the developers regarding the status of the game in the Fire Emblem series. However, despite the lack of official confirmation, we can still speculate on whether or not Fire Emblem is a mainline title.

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    Overall, based on everything we’ve seen in game trailers, it looks like Fire Emblem Engage is a mainstream title. The best evidence for this claim is that Engage features a turn-based title format for combat/battles. All previous Mainline games feature a similar format, so we think it’s safe to assume that Fire Emblem Engage is a Mainline title. Another factor that seems to support Fire Emblem Engage being mainline is that characters from previous Mainline titles appear at points in the game.

    When is Fire Emblem Engage released?

    If you’re wondering when Fire Emblem Engage will be released on Nintendo Switch, the release date is January 20, 2023.

    For more information on Fire Emblem, we at MyFullGames recommend that Fire Emblem Engage images show improved animations, monk models and classes, and Fire Emblem Three Houses (pre-timeskip) tip box answers.


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