How to play Alter in Apex Legends


    Alter is the latest addition to Apex Legend Season 21, Upheaval. She brings a new range of Void abilities to the arena, including some that may resemble Wraith and Ash. In this guide, we’ll cover her basic abilities and also look at how her abilities can be used in the context of other Legends and difficult situations, whether you’re playing solo or as a team.

    How to use all Alter skills in Apex Legends

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    Alter’s presence in the game will be quite similar to that of Wraith and Ash, as she also has a passive that allows her to better understand her surroundings. Similarly, her tactical and ultimate abilities allow her to create a direct impact on the map, and using these three abilities in synergy is what makes her playstyle unique.

    Tactical – Void Passage

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    Players who are familiar with Wraith know that creating portals is not new to the game. In Alter’s case, his tactical ability allows him create a portal through different surfaces in the game. This allows you and your teammates to pass through walls without taking damage while doing so.

    The best way to use this in the game is flank the enemy squad. When approaching another squad, quickly create a portal that allows you and your team to move across different surfaces, confusing your opponents. You can also use this as a quick escape in case things get serious and you can’t fight anymore.

    You might think the portal can be used for high ground, but if Alter tries to do something like that, enemies will notice and shoot him before he can do anything (there’s a small delay before you can shoot coming out of that portal).

    Passive: Gift of the Rift

    Like Ash, Alter has the gift of using death boxes to his advantage. As Alter, you can Pick up an item from an enemy kill box. even if it is more than 10-20 meters away. All you need to do is focus your target on a kill box and let the interaction message appear. Doing so will allow you to loot items you may need in your inventory, whether it be a weapon accessory, a healing item, or a survival item.

    When in battle, use this to your advantage by understanding what you and/or your team need. For example, you may need heavy ammunition but are under heavy fire from the enemy squad. Quickly look around to see if there is a kill box that can give you heavy ammo from a distance.

    Ultimate – Void Nexus

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    This is easily one of the most unique ultimate abilities in Apex Legends right now, as it creates a safe space that everyone in your squad can teleport to. Once you deploy your Void Nexus, you and your teammates will be able to see it from a distance (about 200 meters) and move towards it when interacting.

    This is probably the strongest part of Alter’s toolset in the game. In the midst of battle, find a place around you that feels safe. If you’re with someone like Rampart or Wattson, have your teammates create a good defense around the portal by placing turrets or electric fences. Legends like Gibraltar and Newcastle can also help by fortifying the area with their own tactical/ultimate abilities.

    The best upgrades for Alter in Apex Legends

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    Now that you know what each and every one of Alter’s abilities do in the arena, it’s time to focus on which upgrades to choose to get the most out of his abilities. These are the upgrades to choose from:

    In Level 2, you can choose to reduce the final cooldown by 30 seconds or extend the highlights that allow you to see health bars after exiting Alter’s Tactical. For this one, choose the definitive cooldown reduction as it allows you to be faster when placing the Nexus Rally Point for you and your squadmates.

    In level 3, you can choose between having the Void Nexus never deplete or reducing the tactical cooldown by 10 seconds. Go for him Unlimited Void Nexusas this helps you and your teammates completely rely on your ultimate as a backup option during fights.

    Want more Apex coverage? Check out Conduit’s abilities in Apex Legends, here on MyFullGames.

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