Founded in 1985, the publisher won at least five video games


    According to the US & USA magazine, Dungeons and Magic: The Gathering has canceled at least five video games.

    The decision is based on the intention to reduce the ambitions in the video game industry, and a problem in Hasbro, which owns Wizards of the Coast. Last year the first one toy and stock sales fell 40 per cent, so the situation was complicated.

    The company is still going to do video games, but it doesn’t appear to be smaller. Before the announcement, it became obvious that the company plans to cut about 15 jobs. Since the company was founded in 1997, there was no one willing to apply to other positions.

    The independent studios that worked on the games will most likely lose the decision. I especially mention Otherside and Hidden Path entertainment. In addition, WotC closed the production of an internal project called Jabberwocky, and stopped the creation of more novelties in the universe.


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