Best Nova Roma upgrades in King Arthur Legion IX


    Once you’ve completed the first missions of the squad-based strategy RPG King Arthur: Legion IX, you can begin rebuilding Nova Roma to its former glory. Read on to find out which upgrades are best and which ones to do first.

    Top 10 Nova Roma Upgrades in King Arthur Legion IX

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    When you take over Nova Roma for the first time (after completing The Colony quest), you will have five buildings to invest in. You will then gain access to a sixth building after completing the next mission, where you save The Trader. I’ve ranked the buildings and their upgrades below. If you are missing an expensive one between missions but have enough to take a cheaper upgradeit’s usually worth doing to get the benefit of that extra quest.

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    These are the first 10 upgrades I pick up as soon as I can afford them:

    1. Mars orientation (500 Gold, 500 Resources): +1 melee weapon damage. Each of your three melee heroes will likely get two hits per round per battle, so this creates a lot of additional damage during the campaign.
    2. Basic physical training (1000 gold) – I take this over the mental equivalent (above), since you’re more likely to take physical damage early in the campaign. This grants +10 percent physical debuff resistance to all heroes.
    3. Herbalist apprentice (500 gold, 500 resources): This is a nice low cost for a +5 percent bonus to the vitality of all your heroes.
    4. Jupiter Orientation (500 Gold, 500 Resources): +1 to all heavy armor. This is an over 10 percent increase to the armor values ​​of three of your heroes if taken early, which is a bargain at this cost.
    5. Diana’s Guidance (500 gold, 500 resources): +1 ranged weapon damage. This affects several of your heroes, so at this low cost it is still a good investment.
    6. combat training (1000 gold and 1000 resources): Each of your three melee heroes gains 1 additional skill point. There’s always a one-point skill upgrade worth having, especially at lower levels when you want to spend most of the points on new skills instead.
    7. shooting practice (1000 gold and 1000 resources): You gain one skill point to spend on each of your ranged heroes. It’s valuable for the same reasons combat training is, but melee types need a little more help (skill-wise) than ranged heroes.
    8. Master herbalist (1000 gold and 1000 resources) – Can only be taken after Apprentice Herbalist. It costs twice as much but offers double the benefit, adding an additional +10 percent vitality to all your heroes.
    9. Basic mental training (1000 gold) – While you’re less likely to need this in the early quests, once mages become more common, this +10 percent mental debuff resistance for all heroes is a very welcome benefit.
    10. Mercury Orientation (500 Gold, 500 Resources): +1 to all light armor. This helps your three ranged heroes, but you should try to keep them out of harm’s way anyway, so this is the weakest of Blacksmith’s upgrades.

    All Nova Roma Upgraded Buildings, Ranked

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    The training ground – S

    Here you can get +5 percent vitality for all heroes for (500 gold, 500 resources) (Herbalist apprentice), which then opens Master herbalist (+10 percent vitality for everyone) for 1000 gold and 1000 resources. While you may not want to take them until you’ve gained a few levels and can really see the benefit, they are great upgrades for their cost because they increase as you level up (i.e., they continue to provide value throughout the game).

    Essential and Advanced physical training (1000 and 1500 gold respectively) give all heroes +10 percent resistance to physical debuffs each, while combat training (1000 gold and 1000 resources) gives Gaius, Octavius ​​and Gavius ​​one skill point each. These are all great benefits, as DOTs wear you down quickly in a game with few healing options in battle.

    Larario – A

    Basic mental training (1000 gold) gives your six heroes a 10 percent boost to their mental debuff resistance and is always one of the first upgrades I take since it has no resource cost and prevents incoming status effects from The launchers really help keep your heroes alive. If you find that you are still suffering from spell attacks too often, you can improve this with Advanced mental training (gaining another 10 percent) for 1,500 gold.

    Practice goal Gives Plutonius, Albina, and Florianus (your ranged heroes) a skill point for 1000 gold and 1000 resources. This seems a little pricey, but it’s definitely in my top 10 upgrades. Expanded altar allows you to activate a second Lar for 1000 gold and 1000 resources. This is expensive and, for me, useless. However, if you are attracted to more than one Lar, this could be a good investment.

    The blacksmith – A

    There are eight upgrades available in the blacksmith shop, each of which grants +1 Armor or Damage to three of your heroes (two for light and heavy armor, and melee and ranged weapons). The first upgrade of each costs 500 gold and 500 resources and the second 1000 gold and 1000 resources. The first upgrades are real value for money and the second level is a little pricey, but still better than most of the upgrades you’ll find in the B and C rated buildings below.

    The War Council – B

    The first two upgrades available here are fine, but a bit specific. Spend 1,000 gold to earn 10 percent more building resources on quests (Reserve resources) will pay off in the end, but you’ll still get what you need over time (and more easily thanks to other upgrades). Reduce Decree Activation by 10 percent (I respect) is similar, but since it only costs 500 Resources, you can activate it when you feel you need it most.

    Tax collection (+25 percent gold in quests) and Fidelity (+1 Loyalty for all heroes) requires you to have 6 points of Morality in Demonic and Humanity respectively. This will take a while, but keep an eye on your morality track and take them as soon as you can (it will be a while!).

    The Enchanted Tower – C

    While this shop offers some powerful items, its upgrades only remove the AP cost for using scrolls and potions and increase the duration of these elements. I rarely use either and you can only carry two per character on a mission, so these upgrades are very situational. Your only other upgrade option increases your dust rewards. sacrifice relics here. This is also rare, so I usually don’t put effort into upgrading the Haunted Tower until much later in the game.

    The merchant – C

    Like the Haunted Tower above, upgrading the Merchant only increases the range of items and reduces cost prices in this store. It’s much better to spend your money on other upgrades that benefit all or several of your heroes, rather than giving one of them a slight hit through a piece of equipment. And if you see a great item, you can still buy it. Unless you’re buying a lot of items, you’ll never get back the money you spend on upgrades.

    The best building to assign to each hero in Nova Roma in King Arthur Legion IX

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    Once you have gathered all six party members, you can assign each of your heroes to a building (from which they will obtain a benefit). I suggest the following:

    Building Hero Blessing
    enchanted tower Gavio Messala The hero gains +25 mental debuff resistance. Gavius ​​will be on the front line, but his skill set doesn’t give him any protection against spells.
    Businessman Floriano Drusus The hero gains +4 Loyalty. Florianus can become a great DPS and higher loyalty opens up nice damage buffs on the loyalty meter.
    court martial Julio Mento Cay The hero gains +1 movement AP. Gaius should be your most mobile character, as he is perfect for backstabbing and defeating weak and distant enemies.
    Training ground Albina Virgilio The hero gains +1 damage every 5 levels. The nature of Albina’s AOE attacks means that she is likely to hit the most targets, making this the most efficient use of the ability.
    larario Plutonium Nerva The hero gains +10 percent dodge. Plutonius wears light armor and should never be within duel range, so anything that helps him avoid damage is a blessing.
    blacksmith Octavius ​​Remus The hero gains +1 Armor every 5 levels. As a main tank, you’ll always want to put Octavius ​​in the line of fire, so damage mitigation is key to his survival.

    As you build and lose loyalty with your companions, you can temporarily change heroes in and out of the position of Merchant. For example, if Florianus doesn’t benefit from Loyalty +4 but would push another hero into the next bonus pool, it will usually be worth doing so. All build perks apply to any hero, so trading them to get a additional loyalty bonus (or avoiding something negative) is the smart move.

    For more information on King Arthur: Legion IX here at MyFullGames, check out my King Arthur Legion IX Gaius Julius Mento build guide and King Arthur Legion IX Albina Virgila build guide.

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