Aroged: Enthusiasts compare Minecraft to its original thirteen years


    Spoiler: Almost nothing, if you don’t consider RTX version.

    It can be called oxymorons in different languages. For example, terribly beautiful in Minecraft or with a bit of graphics. It’s not a secret that Minecraft is a great example of how video games aren’t the only ones who aren’t responsible for that. Nevertheless, even in an ordinary game, the graphic part has remained somewhat altered for all the years of its existence, which the filmmakers at the YouTube channel ElAnalistaDeBits decided to demonstrate.

    The earliest versions were from 2009 and the modern version was used. In a few minutes, the graphical improvements at this sandbox were only small, and didn’t matter, mostly relating to lighting, grass textures and trees. That is not just the version with ray tracing on the eye, it is pleasing not only the lighting work, but also the reworked textures that rejuvenate Minecraft for a couple of decades.


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