How to Open Warden’s Treasure Chests in Blacktail


    In Blacktail, players will find tons of resources and items that they can use to develop new abilities in the cauldron. The most valuable loot comes from chests. While most chests are simply opened by interaction, others require the player to meet certain criteria. Some of these are called ward chests and are found only in certain locations on the map, indicated by a logo of two hands holding a treasure chest. To open them, players must complete a long list of objectives to reach a certain title. In this guide, we will tell you how you can open Warden chests in Blacktail.

    How to open all guardian chests in Blacktail

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    As mentioned above, players must obtain certain titles in order to open Warden chests. The titles you earn are decided based on your actions in the world, which subsequently affect your morality. There are a total of three attainable titles in Blacktail and three corresponding ward chests for each: Favourite, QueenY Specialist. The location of these Warden Chests can be easily identified on the map by the logo showing two hands holding a treasure chest. Once he has obtained a Title, he can open the corresponding Guardian chest for it.

    Related: How to Unlock Hexes in Blacktail

    How to earn titles to open Warden chests in Blacktail

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Titles in Blacktail are earned by completing a list of objectives determined by your actions in the world. There are a total of three titles achievable, and each title has a good side and a bad side. Once you achieve a given Title for either side, you will not be able to win that Title again. The following are all of the objectives that players must complete to earn titles in Blacktail:

    • big favorite
      • Help the big guys out a few times.
      • kill the fierce
      • kill the madman
    • cursed favorite
      • Help the Damned a few times
      • kill the righteous
      • kill the deceitful
    • sun queen
      • Grant some flowers to those in need
      • Helping the busy worker multiple times
      • Retrieve the eyes of the miser
      • Make an offering in the name of good a few times
      • Help them reach some apples
    • moon queen
      • Betray the bees a few times
      • Turn the little ones into a resource a few times
      • Help the evil royals a few times.
      • Make an offering in the name of evil a few times.
      • Hunt the red fur a few times.
    • beekeeper specialist
      • Resist their bites and give them what they want, but it’s still evil.
    • Ornithologist Specialist
      • Killing masses of flying vermin while still being fair
      • …and tear down their houses, but stay in the light.

    Wondering how to respond to Boruta’s offer in Blacktail? Check out Should You Accept Boruta’s Pact in Blacktail?, right here on MyFullGames.


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