The Witcher 3 with PS5 and Xbox X: How to change graphics settings


    The free update for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is finally available for a few hours. This greatly improved the visual rendering of the popular action RPG by CD ProjeKt RED and unlocks new graphics settings. Let’s learn how to do that together, we can activate the Ray Tracing or strengthen our fluency.

    To the right extent that the huge majority of modern productions saw the latest generation console edition of The Witcher 3 boasts more than one graphics mode, so the user can freely decide how to play the Strigos adventure. To play a change to that aspect of the title on PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X, press the DualSense button on the Sony console or On the Xbox Controller and select the Options menu first. Finally, the video, and finally the Graphic. During the last few days, you can pick the video version, the item Mode from the frame rate, the menu you select, so that the screen is redirected.

    In that case, the choice could be made from two different variants which are called performance e Ray Tracing. The first one, the default, is active, a recurrent mode, which you will find when you start The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt a second, is designed to offer some visual opportunities. The second option is the target framerate of 60 frames per second, but rather that you get active at first. Since the second mode is to halve the frame rate, in this case, we play 30fps. The compromise is partly offset by the activation of Ray Tracing, which is a feature that improves the quality of lighting and a more general visual rendering.

    There’s no alternative that is objectively better than the other, since each of them has advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Let’s keep up with the speed of time, but if you don’t have the 30 frames per second, you better use the graphics mode with the highest quality.

    Have you taken a look at our guide with tips for free armor of the White Tiger and Thousand Flowers in The Witcher 3 Next Gen? Remember to check out the guide for how to activate The Witcher 3 on Xbox and PC.


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