Where to find the legendary chest in The Plains in God of War Ragnarok


    There is only one legendary chest in The Plains, which you can only find after returning to Vanaheim to help Freya rescue Freyr in God of War Ragnarök. While it may seem easy to reach at first, you may need a little help finding the last puzzle piece that will block your way to the chest. We show you where and how to get the Legendary Chest in The Plains of Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarök.

    How to get to the Legendary Chest in The Plains in God of War Ragnarok – Vanaheim

    Image from MyFullGames

    The Legendary chest on the Plains will require you to look at a bit of an angle to find a way to use your Draupnir Spear and go through a pile of rocks. Please refer to the image above for the location of the chest. You will need to have reached Brok’s shop and the Celestial Altar at the top of the plateau to complete the puzzle.

    Related: Where to find the second Muspelheim seed piece in God of War Ragnarök

    Kratos using Draupnir Spear to clear his way to a legendary chest
    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    There are three spots where you will need to place your Draupnir spear to remove the pile of rocks. The first two are clearly in front of the rockpile and can be seen from ground level. The third spearhead is on the other side. It can only be seen standing on the northernmost part of the plateau. Please refer to the image above to see the angle we used to hit the target. Place your Draupnir spear on the three points first, then press Triangle to trigger explosions and remove debris.

    You can also find half of the scroll near the legendary chest. your reward will be honor the fallena new heavy runic attack for your Draupnir Spear.

    Looking for more help on God of War Ragnarök? Check out What to do with Shards and Crystal Shards in God of War Ragnarök here on MyFullGames.


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