What is Hardcore Royale in Apex Legends?


    In Apex Legends, players can enjoy several limited-time game modes in addition to the traditional Battle Royale. Hardcore Royale is an upcoming game mode that is scheduled to arrive with the Celestial Sunrise Collection event. Here’s everything players need to know about Hardcore Royale in Apex Legends.

    When is Hardcore Royale coming to Apex Legends?

    According to the popular data miner @kralrindo, the Celestial Sunrise Collection event will bring a new game mode to Apex Legends called Hardcore Royale. This new game mode will have ‘hardcore’ rules, and is scheduled to arrive during the last week of January. The Celestial Sunrise Collection event will also feature several purchasable cosmetics for various weapons and Legends, including a Reactive Peacekeeper skin.

    Hardcore Royale will be a three of a kind game mode with tougher conditions and higher stakes. Players will have less information on their HUD and all Legends will have level 1 armor. Armor swapping will be disabled and Legends cannot equip helmets in Hardcore Royale. As for the Ring, it will deal maximum damage from the start of a match. With fewer options on the HUD, players must adapt to these extreme rules to survive in this game mode.

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    Communication between squadmates will be essential in this game mode with fewer options to work with. Inspecting a weapon will reveal its ammunition and attachments, allowing players to be prepared for any situation. Similarly, scanning Survey Beacons reveals the location of the next ring and how many squads are left in the match. Playing Recon class Legends will be very effective in Hardcore Royale as it will allow teams to scan Survey Beacons and strategize accordingly.

    Wondering what the start and end dates are for each Apex Legends season? Check out all the Apex Legends season start and end dates in MyFullGames.


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