The total list of Trophies is leaked on the net



    The release of One Piece Odyssey is approaching. The waited JRPG focused on Eiichiro Oda’s work will make its console debut PlayStation e Xbox on January 13, 2023 and promises to become one of the most substantial and intriguing gaming games, One Piece.

    In total 51 cups are to be unlocked as well as the Platinum Trophyto which is added two Gold Trohiesnew ones Silver trophies and the rest Bronze trophies. Thus a rich and full-bodied list that can take even a long time to reach each objective is able to create a whole lot of wealth.

    There are a number of categories in the list, so that you must win 300 battles, bring all party members to the level 70 and defeat all major enemies at least twice. However, there are a lot of interesting points to do with the main story, so a simple way through the plot to unlock them will be impossible. There is also no doubt that one piece of the game will keep the players a long time on track with everything it has to offer.

    That would have revealed how much the Odyssey demo weighs on PlayStation, as reported by the always reliable PlayStation Game Size.



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