MW2 players have problem with the game’s TTK.


    Time to kill is one of the most discussed topics. Call of Dutyeach player has a different opinion on how quickly they should be able to finish off an enemy.

    If it’s too fast, it’s a frustrating shooting experience for anyone, because it feels like there’s no recoil. On the other hand, if TTK is too slow, multiplayer matches lose their fast-paced nature and guns aren’t particularly effective.

    So, when in a pop-up survey MW2 Appearing on TTK asking players for their opinions, it’s safe to say there was a wide variety of responses. However, the majority of fans believe that TTK needs to go back to those days. Black Operation Cold War.

    MW2 players want slow TTK in multiplayer.

    leading to Modern Warfare II subreddit, user u/yungmiaw posted a poll that appeared in-game, asking, “Based on the match you just played, how long do you think it takes to kill an enemy while engaged in combat?”

    As you’d expect, the survey sparked a vocal response from the community, with the majority of players saying MW2’s TTK is “too fast.”

    Many fans made it clear that they thought “cold War has a great TTK” and that they want it to have a “standard”. MW2 as well as. This is because I cold War“If you start getting shot, you can actually run away,” rather than being immediately deleted.

    Other users made it clear that they “don’t know what to choose,” as the constant packet loss makes it hard to even know what TTK feels like. As a result, they will instead focus on fixing server and connection issues.

    Why is activation polling fan opinion on MW2’s TTK?

    Click to enlarge.

    With recent TTK changes War Zoneit’s possible that the devs are considering changing the time-to-kill-in. MW2 Also multiplayer. However, with Call of Duty 2023 On the horizon, a user believes that “they might be using this data. MW3 2023 and not for that. MW2 2022.”

    This would make sense, as getting a consensus on TTK before the game’s release would put it in a good position before launch to please as many people as possible.

    Still, it’s great to see Activision taking feedback directly from fans, rather than pushing changes and waiting for a response from the community.


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