Monopoly GO: all the rewards from the Rodeo Riders event


    There’s nothing like an event to get us Monopoly GO players rolling those dice, and the latest Rodeo Riders event has plenty of great rewards to shoot for. The event will only last a few days, but it is worth investing in. If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, read on for a list of all the Rodeo Riders event rewards available in Monopoly GO.

    All the rewards from the Rodeo Riders event in Monopoly GO

    Screenshot of pro game guides

    To get the rewards listed below, players must land on either of the Taxes or Utilities tiles. The objective is collect horse tokens and you will get three for tax and two for public service you land (plus any dice multipliers). Prizes range from cash to dice and sticker packs, and players who reach the top level (42) get a huge 7k free dice. That should keep you active!

    Related: All Monopoly GO events, rewards and dates

    Level horse tokens Prize
    1 5 Money
    2 5 10 dice rolls
    3 10 sticker pack
    4 fifty 130 dice rolls
    5 fifteen Money
    6 fifteen sticker pack
    7 fifteen Money
    8 twenty Money
    9 100 225 dice rolls
    10 25 Money
    eleven 25 sticker pack
    12 30 Money
    13 250 480 dice rolls
    14 35 Money
    fifteen 40 sticker pack
    sixteen Four. Five Money
    17 400 750 dice rolls
    18 fifty Money
    19 75 sticker pack
    twenty 60 Money
    twenty-one 700 1,100 dice rolls
    22 60 sticker pack
    23 Sixty-five Money
    24 70 Money
    25 80 100 dice rolls
    26 500 Money
    27 150 sticker pack
    28 200 250 dice rolls
    29 250 Money
    30 1,200 2000 dice rolls
    31 300 Money
    32 400 sticker pack
    33 500 Money
    3. 4 1,800 2,700 dice rolls
    35 550 sticker pack
    36 600 Money
    37 700 800 dice rolls
    38 1,300 Money
    39 750 900 dice rolls
    40 800 sticker pack
    41 900 Money
    42 4,300 Sticker Pack and 7000 Dice Rolls

    The complete list was announced in the Monopoly GO Discord Server, although the exact figures of the money you can earn are not listed. Good luck!

    For more information on Monopoly GO!, check out How to Add Friends in Monopoly GO and How to Block People in Monopoly GO here on MyFullGames.


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