Live the good life in Halfling Dale, a narrative game inspired by Lord of the Rings.

    • Halfling Dale is a build-your-own adventure game set in a halfling community like a shire.
    • Deal with the consequences of your mischievous brother’s actions and explore a small community.
    • Pursue 10 possible paths and have over 20 different endings.

    Ever wanted to live the life of a hobbit? Eat several square meals a day, smoke pipe weed and sit back and watch the world go by? Well, we can’t promise a simulation game that does it all, but if you want a glimpse into the lives of the Tolkien-inspired halfling archetypes we all know and love, why not Go to Halfling Deal released in ?

    As the setup goes, you’re a halfling living in a typical Tolkienesque halfling community. The deal, as it is called, is shaken when your brother commits a mischief. Now saddled with the reputation of being a ‘disturber of the peace’, you must navigate the complexities of half a life while dealing with the consequences of your brother’s actions.

    “In a hole in the ground, lived a hobbit.”

    Yes, if you try and compare any writing to the works of the old JRR Tolkien people, there will probably be a lack. But if you want comfort, Narrative-based choice-your-own-adventurethen Halfling Dale looks set to offer a variety of casual adventures across 20 different endings, 10 possible routes and more.

    While it may lack graphics, mainly driven by the text-based nature of a custom adventure game, we think Halfling Dale looks pretty interesting, especially for this game. Which is apparently made by a small development team. You can pick up the game on Google Play or the iOS App Store, with the opportunity to try before purchasing and unlocking the full story.

    And if you want to see what else our exploration of the mobile world has turned up, you can check out our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) for more hidden gems, indie hits, and big releases. can see!


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