How to play Sojourn in Overwatch 2 post nerf



    Despite being hit with multiple nerfs, Sojourn is still a strong hero in Overwatch 2. It just doesn’t match the divine strength she had before. Players will no longer be able to shoot enemies with her secondary fire. However, with a couple of in-game tweaks, players can still work their way up the ranked ladder with Sojourn.

    Tips for playing Sojourn post nerf

    Use primary fire more

    Since Sojourn lost her ability to shoot 200 HP enemies, players will have to rely a lot more on her main fire. This will also change how players use their Overclock ability. Now, players can no longer play as a Widowmaker and remove opposing DPS. When using Sojourn’s Overclock, players will still need to be in the action taking down enemies to get them within range of her secondary fire.

    Play closer to the midrange

    Amidst all these nerfs is an increase to Sojourn’s main fire spread by 28%. However, you will not get the effect of this buff at long range. Essentially, this makes her more effective at midrange if she sees enemies grouped together. Now, instead of relying on her secondary fire for kills, she can hit the opposing DPS with just her primary fire, saving the Railgun for other key targets.

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    Save Disruptor Shot for the flanks

    Disruptor Shot has always been a great tool to throw into choke points to hit multiple enemies at once. While it will steal damage in this case, it no longer slows down enemies. This makes it a bit less useful as an engagement tool (still not too bad though). Players can get more value by saving it for flankers. If Sojourn’s player spots a Genji or Reaper on the opposite side (should be happening a lot), he can wait for them to attack and place Disruptor Shot at their feet while they escape. Hopefully the flanker will get caught up in the shot and go down with a couple of hits from the main fire.

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