How to do the Explosive Errand mission in TFT


    To celebrate the Lunar New Year, TFT is hosting a Lunar Gala event. In this seasonal event, you can help Chibi Annie and other familiar faces celebrate the highly anticipated Lunar Gala. By completing TFT missions, you can progress through the story and prepare for the big day. The first mission is called An Explosive Errand and it asks you to claim an underground heist. Here’s how to complete the Explosive Mission quest in TFT.

    How do you do an explosive mission in TFT?

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    To complete this mission, you need to claim an underground heist. Heists are a special ability of the Underground trait and can be Will only activate if you have three or more underground units. The Fortune’s Favor game mode is a great way to find underground units quickly, as you receive high cost units early on. To claim an underground heist, you must break 10 locks. Every time you win a match, you’ll break two locks, and every time you lose, you’ll break three locks. Once you’ve cracked 10 locks, you can choose to claim the vault rewards or continue the heist. To finish the mission, select cut and runand you will complete the mission objective.

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    If you have five underground units on the board, you can speed up the progress rate of Underground Heist. With this maximum synergy, you will crack three locks if you win and five if you lose. To activate this effect, you must have Kayle, Ezreal, Sona, Vi, and Samira on the board, unless you have a hidden emblem or augment.

    For more TFT articles, check out the 10 Most Hittable Tacticians in TFT here on MyFullGames.


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