Best TFT Compositions for Set 8 (January 2023)


    Teamfight Tactics set 8 has many features, upgrades, items, and synergies that might confuse some players as to the best direction to take to ensure a victory. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of the best comps for set 8 to help you earn a spot at the top.

    The best TFT builds for set 8

    These builds are compiled from player data and win rate percentage. They are the ten best constructions chosen for patch 13.1 in January 2023. These builds will help you achieve at least one top four position to help you climb the ranks.

    10. Taliyah Heart

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    The Heart Taliyah build focuses on four carries: taliyah, Soraka, Ekko and Syndra. this will give you 5 Star Guardian, 4 Spellslinger, 4 Heart and 2 ADMIN Having Lux and Annie early game will benefit you as Annie is a great frontlane champion. Along with Lux, it will trigger the Spellslinger trait to ease you through the early rounds until you get additional Star Guardians like Rell, Ekko, Soraka, and Taliyah. The focus of this build is the Heart trait. So if you get a heart emblem, take it and put it on Lux.

    9. Miss Fortune Anima Squad

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    Miss Fortune has a wide variety of builds focused on her, but it’s usually Anima Squad. This construction has Squad of 5 Animas, 2 Aegis, 2 Pets and 2 Pranksters. If you get an Anima Squad emblem, you can use it on Ekko to create a 7-Anima Squad while keeping Alistar as a pet and Aegis.

    8. Recon Kai’Sa

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    Recon is a trait that has been growing in popularity recently. Rightfully so, as it’s a very powerful build if you do it right. The Recons are all backlane champions. So having a strong front line is key. That’s why there are 3 Aegis, 3 Anima Squad, 3 recognition, 3 Star Guardian and 2 Brawler. Start the game by donning Aegis, then add Recons early in the game. If you get a Recon emblem, put it on Ekko.

    Related: What units can solo minions use in Teamfight Tactics?

    7. Viego Force Ox

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    Get old man in-game guarantees a win, but only if you have the items for it. This build has 6 Ox Force, 3 Aegis, 3 Renegade, and 1 Arsenal. Introducing Sylas, Talon, and Annie will help you get through the early rounds before you get Viego. If you get a Renegade emblem, put it on Aphelios.

    6. LaserCorpsZed

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    Zed is one of the best champions in TFT Set 8. He’s a one-man army, regardless of whether you put him on the board with LaserCorps, Duelist, or Hacker. The only condition is that you have the items for him. This construction has 6 Laser Body, 2 Brawler, 2 Duelist, 2 Hacker and 2 Prankster. The best way to get through early game is to have duelists on your board. Duelists are OP.

    5. Samira sure shot

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    Sureshot is one build that is a bit more difficult to run than the rest. While Sureshot is very powerful, they are all backlane and do not damage tank well. If you have a good front line then this build is very powerful. This set includes 3 MECHA:Prime, 2 Aegis, 2 Sureshot, 2 Defenders, 2 Mascot, and 1 Ace. There is only 2 sure shot, and the rest are frontline damage tankers. You also have Fiddlesticks as it has the Threat trait and works well alone. However, if you get a Sureshot emblem, you can add Urgot to your team and give him the emblem. You can have a combination of MECHA:Prime, Aegis and Defenders during the early game.

    4. Civilian Samira

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    Like the fifth entry, this compilation also focuses on Sureshot. Specifically Samira. The construction consists of 4 sure shot, 3 Civilian, 2 Mascot, 2 Ox Force, 1 Threat and 1 Ace. 4 Sureshot does a lot of damage. Civilian will help them use their ultimate faster, while Mascot will provide additional healing. Zac is a Threat and an excellent front line that can time his Sureshot to deal more damage. Early in the game, you can go with Civilian and Mascot. If he has a Sureshot emblem, place it on one of his tanks.

    3. Duelist Zed

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    As we mentioned in the sixth entry, Zed is perfect. And, Duelists are OP. Despite being the third entry on this list, this build is relatively simple to build. You have 4 duelist3 LaserCorps, 2 Aegis, 2 Fighter and 2 Hackers. Hacker lets Zed jump back to finish off the enemy carry. You can always have more Duelists. Duelists are also good during early game as there are a lot of low cost duelists. If you get a Duelist emblem, go All Duelist. Put the emblem on a LaserCorps.

    Related: How Heists Work in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 8

    2.Miss Fortune Ace

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    Ace is probably the hardest trait to build in TFT Set 8. He’s like Ninja from the older TFT sets. You can have one Ace or all 4. Getting them all is hard. This construction has 4 aceY 4 Threat. Threats are champions with their abilities, making them very strong on their own. Using threat champions to complete this build is a good strategy. There is no way you can lose that game once you have it. During the early game, you have to use threat champions. If you get an Ace emblem, put it on one of your Threat champions.

    1.Ace Set

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    exist 4 ace, each of which has its own characteristics. You could go Miss Fortune Ace or go the Draven route and follow the Mecha: PRIME way. This construction has 5 Wicks: PRIME4 ace and 2 defender. Sett will be your Mecha: PRIME carry while resisting damage while your Ace picks off everyone else. Focus on Mecha: PRIME and Defend during the early game. If you get an Ace emblem, replace Mordekaiser with Fiddlesticks and put it on him.

    All these builds are a roadmap of the builds you can use to win. You can modify them with your own additions. With so many boosts coming in Set 8, the world of TFT is unpredictable. So try them.

    If you’re not sure which augments to use with these builds, check out the TFT Augment Tier List (January 2023) here in MyFullGames.


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