All Dendrograna locations in Genshin Impact


    Once you’ve navigated to Sumeru, you can find Dendrograna, which is a subspecies of Grana only found in the Sumeru region of Genshin Impact. They are useful in attacks, as they will fire a projectile when you perform a charged attack or aimed shot. Dendrograna can also be used to help solve puzzles around Sumeru. This is where you can find Dendrograna in Sumeru.

    Genshin Impact Dendrogran Locations

    To summon Dendrograna, you need to use auspicious branches. These are a scouting mechanism and to use them you will simply walk towards them until the prompt to summon a Dendrogran appears. A normal branch will summon three Dendrogranes that will surround your character.

    Many of the quests and puzzles that can be solved with Dendrograna have an auspicious branch nearby. The puzzles that Dendrograna is best known for helping with are:

    • Dendro Elemental Monuments: Activate the monument using the item that is engraved on the monument.
    • the wilting: Use Dendrograna to remove three Withered Branches.
    • Removable Dendro Item: Use a Charged Attack while carrying a Dendrogrona.
    • Floating Dendro Item: Shoot the object with an Aimed Shot while carrying a Dendrogrona.

    Related: How to get the Hidden People of the Valley of Life Achievement in Genshin Impact

    Like other Grana throughout the world, the Dendrogran are useful beings that can help your character succeed in their endeavors.

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