What’s new in Risk of Rain Returns? All new content and features



    Gearbox and Hopoo Games have announced that Risk of Rain Returns, a remake of the original 2013 platformer, will be released for PC and Nintendo Switch in 2023. This remake of the game has been built from the ground up and will feature enhanced visuals as well like new content.
    According to Duncan Drummond, co-founder of Hopoo Games, “Risk of Rain Returns takes everything we learned making Risk of Rain 2 and applies it to the original we created in our bedroom. As we chart our future as developers, it was important to us. that we remember our early work. Risk of Rain Returns is a small token of our appreciation to this amazing community. We hope everyone is as excited about the future as we are.”

    What to expect from the revamped Risk of Rain

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    In addition to an updated code base, the developers will be implementing features and lessons learned from creating Risk of Rain 2 into Risk of Rain Returns. The game will also feature rebuilt multiplayer, as well as new survivors, survivor abilities, items, and much more. Chris Christodoulou, who composed the soundtrack for the original game, will also return to compose the soundtrack for Risk of Rain Returns.

    Last month, Gearbox fully acquired the Risk of Rain franchise. The original Risk of Rain was published by Chucklefish, while Gearbox published Risk of Rain 2 in 2020. With the announcement of Risk of Rain Returns, it seems Gearbox is looking to continue building on the success of the franchise and bring exciting new content. to his fans.

    For more information on Risk of Rain, check out Unlimited Lunar Coins Cheat – Risk of Rain 2 and How to Get to the End Game Alternate Boss in Survivors of the Void DLC for Risk of Rain 2 only on MyFullGames.



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