Users noticed a picture of Vice City from GTA VI on a shirt in GTA Online



    The initial reference to vice city was to the same name: “The game is similar, there are rumors about the events of Grand Theft Auto VI” judging by the rumors. An image found on the in-game item a shirt that appears in GTA Online with one of the upcoming updates. The files were found in the actual game’s build by dataminers. As noted, the image, called WildBrick142, is clearly incorrect, because the skyscrapers don’t reflect the figures in the fifth installment of the series. On the shirt it may appear, in fact, that taxi company is downtown Cab Co. It’s going to appear in GTA V.

    The information that the events of the 6th of the popular franchise’s series will unfold in Vice City has spread on the internet for a long time, but the first serious confirmation of these rumors was a massive leak of the upcoming blockbuster’s gameplay. With the internet’s unheard information, fans could probably estimate the scale of the map of the future hit by a big heart. Despite that Grand Theft Auto VI has not been officially announced, and a date could be withdrawn yet, Microsoft expects the release of the game in 2024. In the meantime, the internal documents of the company were sent when the company considered the acquisition transaction Activision Blizzard – the documents contained in the organization’s internal document.

    More about Igromania.



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