Tweek takes off invincible run through the Star-studded Lets Make Big Moves 2023 bracket



    Clip Tweek comes back to play his best, and he’s winning in style. Last year, Sparg0 won all over the super games.

    The season was very good in 2022. Even though he was still ranking in the top eight during that time, he felt frustrated with his gameplay. Despite his proclamation for Big Moves 2023, he’s changed today.

    This tournament was not only your regular tournament, but also considered the Super Major tournament because the highest players are in attendance. That meant that competition was fierce. Both MKLeo and Sparg0 and Tweek, Onin, Riddles, Cosmos, and Light were in attendance, so winning this tournament didn’t work out easily. But Tweek assured that made it feel simple.

    Tweek won the tournament without dropping any points. He went to the Losers stricken bracket with MKLeo, Spargo and Riddles where they all went under different opponents. This means that he had to do with his hand; and for Sparg0, who he would have saved.

    When MKLeo fell on second place, because they found it the best player in the Smash world. Sonix is an immaculate Sonic player who resulted recently when he started high in Smash tournaments last year and even won many of them over the top players like Riddles. This time, he’s eliminated MKLeo to finish in third place.

    I just need to return to the top, enjoy while catching on.

    T1 | MkLeo (@Mkleosb) January 9:20:2023

    The Tweek-vs-Leo slugger line originated from the Smash 4 era when both men vying for the top spot after deciding who had the best player on the bench. While MKLeo dominated Ultimate, Tweek is trying to dominate that last era with this win.



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