Today’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 update makes dragon splag more visible, making pawns less annoying.


    Dragon’s Dogma 2 was launched a month ago and has already managed to sell out. 2.5 million copies, but Capcom is still releasing updates to fix minor issues with the game. Although a large number of complaints are about the lack of performance mode, this update (like the last update) does not address this issue. However, it is intended to clean up several annoying bugs including the behavior of pawns, the player’s AI companions.

    For starters, this update makes it easier to detect Dragonsplag, an affliction that can have disastrous consequences for your pawns and your world if left untreated. It’s also contagious, so it’s a good idea to nip it in the bud the first time you encounter it. When in distress, pawns’ eyes will turn red – after this update, they will glow more prominently. Disease also affects pawns less frequently due to the update.

    Pawns should also be a lot less annoying now, thanks to a whole slate of minor tweaks to their behavior. They’ll jump off cliffs less often (which is hilarious but a wild inconvenience), say some lines less often, say other lines more at appropriate times, and be less likely to get hired when passing by on the street. will They are one of the highlights of the game, so anything done to make their presence more permanent is always welcome.

    There are also small adjustments, such as adding the ability to zoom in on the character’s face in shops, stopping monster attacks in the city from capturing the player, and other miscellaneous bug fixes. You can read. A full list of updates, as well as all past updates, here.


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