The official PlayStation Blog gives its users multiple pats on the back with the award of God of War Ragnarok



    This is always an important time to remember how things went so well and the many accomplishments and trials that it took to become a successful year. The PlayStation blog did that by showing off what PlayStation fans and players voted for in 16 categories, and highlighting the many notable games released on consoles in 2022 exclusively. They handing themselves the 2022 platinum trophy of the year award.

    The post of PlayStation Blog highlights several games in each category and the winners were voted by a team of players who submitted their votes. In many cases, the god of War Ragnarok will take the cake and sweep it to nearly every category. Sure, it’s not in six categories, but I believe it’s due to the fact that Ragnarok hasn’t come to PC yet, and that nobody has developed a game-based approach to become a multiplayer game. Yet.

    The blog highlighting these games in this fashion seems to be a little bit too thin, even if the votes were created by PlayStation players and fans. One thing to celebrate a successful game that came from PlayStation, but it can be a bit hard to highlight the best games in which many of them are exclusive to PlayStation. If the votes of the PlayStation Blog were resorted, Ragnarok would’ve been the year of year everywhere, as the game took it home in both the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5, with Elden Ring not far behind in both.

    The games presented by these votes are outstanding, but an article on the Sony brand, about its upcoming PlayStation and announcements, which is a bit of a challenge.

    The company’s willingness to give PC players a second life through Steam has excites us about PlayStation this year. The past few years, they have been doing wonders for them, and would not be satisfied with it until the next one of us will arrive into 2023.



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