The best builds in The Rogue Prince of Persia


    With eight weapons, six tools, and 30 medallions available in Rogue Prince of Persia, it can be difficult to decide which items should be combined. Our list contains eight of the best Rogue Prince of Persia builds to help you mix up your team and win your next race.

    The best weapon and medallion combinations in The Rogue Prince of Persia

    This guide contains 8 builds, each focusing on one of Rogue Prince of Persia’s main weapons. Use them as is or save them as inspiration for your next run.

    Best Double Dagger Build

    If you don’t want to face enemies head-on, use this setting to get ahead of them! The Stealth Spirit tool is used to allow you to get behind enemies easily.

    Article Article name
    main weapon double dagger
    Tool stealthy spirit
    Medallion 1 sticky dive
    Medallion 2 toxic vault
    Medallion 3 poison game
    Medallion 4 Toxic counter

    Best Royal Sword Build

    This Royal Sword build is perfect for players new to the game. All medallions used are those that are available from the beginning of the game, so you will not need to search for hidden medallions. If you’re not sure where to start, I recommend starting with this one. Figure out what you like and don’t like, then change the pieces accordingly.

    Article Article name
    main weapon Royal Sword
    Tool chakram
    Medallion 1 toxic shock
    Medallion 2 vampire death
    Medallion 3 poison game
    Medallion 4 Court vault

    Best tabar build

    The best way to describe this build is a barbarian with a crossbow. Anyone who gets in front of you will have to fight with your ax to attack you. At the same time, the compound bow helps you deal with enemies that are out of arm’s reach.

    Article Article name
    main weapon tabar
    Tool compound bow
    Medallion 1 Incendiary
    Medallion 2 nerve agent
    Medallion 3 Ranged Flaming Counterattack
    Medallion 4 Flaming projectile

    Best spear build

    This is a great build for those who like to fight from all distances. The Spear can be used for medium and long range attacks. If you throw the Spear, the Chakram will continue to deal a lot of damage to your enemies as it returns. The Sticky Kick resin skill is included to help you when enemies get too close. Additionally, Flame Projectile will help you recharge your energy so you can always cast a Chakram.

    Article Article name
    main weapon Lance
    Tool chakram
    Medallion 1 Court vault
    Medallion 2 sticky kick
    Medallion 3 Flaming projectile
    Medallion 4 poison game

    Best Broadsword Build

    Of the three swords of the Rogue Prince of Persia, the Broadsword is the slowest and the strongest. I paired it with the grappling hook because the hook will bring enemies closer and stun them, giving you more time to swing your sword. Added a nerve agent to deal additional damage to these stunned enemies. Paper Lion makes you stronger but also more likely to die. If you don’t want to take the risk associated with this, exchange it for something that will help you escape or dodge, such as a Vault-themed Medallion.

    Article Article name
    main weapon Saber
    Tool Hook
    Medallion 1 nerve agent
    Medallion 2 toxic death
    Medallion 3 paper lion
    Medallion 4 Immortal

    Best Spinning Lance Build

    One of the unique features of the Whirling Spear is that it can push enemies away with its special attack. This build focuses on attacking nearby enemies and then pushing them away. If you prefer to stay further away, swap your grappling hook for a long-range tool like a compound bow or chainsaw.

    Article Article name
    main weapon rotating lance
    Tool Hook
    Medallion 1 pyromancer
    Medallion 2 Ranged Flaming Counterattack
    Medallion 3 toxic vault
    Medallion 4 death of the vampire

    Best Construction of Bagh Nakh

    This Bagh Nakh setup is all about hand-to-hand fighting and fighting dirty. Players will gain additional advantages by fighting up close, kicking, and knocking enemies out of the fight. Use the Nerve Agent Medallion to take advantage of the stun granted by the grappling hook. If you need to jump on an enemy to dodge an attack, hit them from behind to regenerate your energy using Poison Set.

    Article Article name
    main weapon Bagh Nakh
    Tool Hook
    Medallion 1 nerve agent
    Medallion 2 vampire death
    Medallion 3 toxic shock
    Medallion 4 poison game

    Best construction in Falcata

    This build is the “Crystal Cannon” of these Rogue Prince of Persia builds due to its inclusion of the Paper Lion Medallion. You’ll need to be adept at dodging attacks to get the most out of this build. The goal is to deal large amounts of damage as quickly as possible. While the Flaming Missile Medallion doesn’t actually set things on fire in this position, it does allow you to throw the Serrated Saw continuously. If staying alive is your concern, the Immortal Medallion will give you an extra chance to survive.

    Article Article name
    main weapon Falcata
    Tool toothed saw
    Medallion 1 Immortal
    Medallion 2 death of the vampire
    Medallion 3 paper lion
    Medallion 4 Flaming projectile

    If you want to try these builds but don’t have the weapons, check out How to Get All Weapons in Rogue Prince of Persia here on MyFullGames.

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