The atmospheric thriller Darkwood is now ready for the Xbox Series X | S



    Darkwood from Acid Wizard Studio, which was released on Xbox One in 2019 and even on PC in the early 2000s, was optimized for the new generation of Xbox consoles. Players who own the Xbox One version of the thriller can upgrade to the Xbox Series X for free. The game supports smart delivery.

    Darkwood is the most sluggish horror game ever made on Xbox. This game has over 12 thousand Steam rating and has a Positive Rating. Recommended Darkwood, but critics said the game was rated 100 points out of 80. With Darkwood update to Xbox Series X | S developers presented the trailer:

    Darkwood is the story of the game in the woods in the Polish outback. At night players can set traps, improve their hideout, then play weapons, and do whatever it takes.



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