Snake in Minecraft A gigantic redstone construction means gigantic construction


    Despite the simple gaming principle, Snake is always one of the greatest games of all time. Anyone who owned a Nokia cell phone around the year 2000 can sing the song. Reddit user u/mattbatwings takes us back to the turning of the millennium in a game we would not anticipate:

    Snake is a way of thinking, eating the apples that appear randomly in the room, and getting longer with each apple, so it doesn’t matter how much space you’re trying to get out of it, and so it becomes increasingly difficult to break the ground. The way in which the snake is directed can be controlled with the switch on the platform. This gigantic building uses the precious goldstone, which is a true-world stream and is represented in red rivers.

    The master builder of a project explaining how exactly the construction works, in a video video, how exactly that works.


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