Phasmophobia Gold Skull & Apocalypse Trophies, Explained



    The Apocalypse update for Phasmophobia added all sorts of spooky goodies to the supernatural hit game. With a new center, trophies and more, it was as if Phasmophobia had been given a new lease on life. There was plenty to do for everyone from novice to expert hunters alike. For experts in particular, there were now Skulls and an Apocalypse Trophy to win.

    How to get the Gold Skull and Apocalypse trophies in Phasmophobia

    The level of the skull is a representation of the selected custom difficulty and the highest possible score. When selecting custom difficulty options, choosing 15x, 20x, or 24x will increase the skull (and difficulty) from bronze to gold.

    In order to obtain the Golden Skull and complete the Apocalypse Challenge, players will need to set the difficulty setting until the Golden Skull appears. From there, they must complete a solo hunt on the Sunny Meadows Mental Institution map. All four objectives must be completed, a photo of the ghost must be taken, and the player must live to tell the tale.

    Related: Phasmophobia Apocalypse Challenge Guide

    Phasmophobia Custom Modifiers

    • player options
      • Sanity Pill Restoration quantity
      • initial sanity
      • Sanity Drain Speed ​​Multiplier
      • sprint usage allocation
      • Sprint recharge time
      • sprint duration
      • broken lanterns
      • lose items on death
      • player speed multiplier
    • ghost options
      • pieces of evidence given
      • Possibility to change favorite room
      • amount of interaction
      • Event frequency
      • search duration
      • Length of grace period
      • Fingerprint Probability
      • Fingerprint Duration
      • disable hunts
      • kill hunts extended
      • roaming frequency
      • Ghost Speed ​​Multiplier
    • contract options
      • setup time
      • Weather
      • Number of doors starting open
      • Number of hiding places
      • sanity monitor status
      • Fuse Box Map Visibility
      • Fust Box Initial state
      • amount of cursed possessions
      • Choice of Cursed Possessions

    For more Phasmophobia products, check out Why Does Phasmophobia Keep Crashing? How to fix in MyFullGames.



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