Minecraft was the most searched game that Google searched in Europe from 2004 till 2022



    The Sundellviz YouTube channel published an interesting video, which reconstructs what the most wanted video games are Google between 2004 and December 2022.

    Most of the results aren’t surprising, because these games are the ones that we love. Let’s see this movie.

    According to research from Google Trends, this is the top five of the most searched games in Europe between 2004 and 2022.

    Minecraft World Warcraft is a world force. Grand Theft Auto / series. Fortnite Counter-Rike (series)

    To remain strictly current in December 2022, the most sought-after games were Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox, with the presence of World of Warcraft on the continent.

    Google searched the most searched games in December 2022.

    We follow very closely the new games and the new content. However, the video shows how well we’ve already gone in the past several months.

    For example, in June 2016 Minecraft was absolute dominance, while in June of 2016 Pokemon GO was launched in July. Fortnite emerges whenever there are new major updates and so on.

    Since the algorithm Google Trends has some hidden mysteries, the data may not be 100% accurate as it is written himself from the video’s author. In any case, they are definitely indicative of what gamers are looking for on the old continent.



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