Master of Magic – How to beat hard AI wizards with Gnolls.



    If you’re already done with the game on normal difficulty and are interested in harder difficulty. Early offense with Gnolls can be a simple and useful strategy.

    Guide to beating hard AI wizards with Gnolls

    Why Gnolls?

    With a significant resource boost, tough enemy AI wizards dominate the mid-game. To beat them, you can play some late game strategy, or just play early offense and rush it.

    Here are the races you might consider choosing to play early offense:


    • Gnolls
    • lizard
    • Halflings


    • Draconian
    • The beasts
    • The troll

    Due to strategy, Arcanus races are better, as you want to face your enemies as soon as possible. The plan is to run the enemy mage between rounds 40 – 70, and take advantage of the resources you’ve gained by conquering them. For doing this, Gnolls and Lizardmen are the best. Halflings can also trick, but it’s not as powerful as Gnolls and Lizardmen.

    Advantages of these races for playing early offense:


    • Best melee units in Arcanus (+2 attack).
    • Affordable unit construction cost (normal cost).


    • Great melee units (+ 1 shield and + 1 HP).
    • Affordable unit construction cost (normal cost).
    • Movement of water.

    to halve

    • Great swordsmen.
    • Great range units.

    Early offense Gnolls are easier to play than Lizards, so this article will be about Gnolls.

    Jafar or custom wizard

    You can choose Jafar as your wizard by default, he is great for starting crimes, if you want to find your favorite, read:

    To do early offense with gnolls, you first need to know that during the early offense period (before round 70), 80% of the units in your squad are gnolls, due to their low build cost and low maintenance. Spearman will be. Gnoll spearmen are 3 times stronger than highmen spearmen, actually stronger than highmen swords. The rest of your squad will like: your heroes, 1 – 3 gnoll swordsmen, 1 – 3 magic spirits for scouting.

    Yes you don’t need to summon any creatures other than magic spirit.

    Gnoll Spearman

    • Construction Cost: 10
    • Maintenance: 1 meal
    • Statistics: 8
    • Attack: 3
    • Defense: 2
    • Resistance: 4
    • HP: 1

    The strategy for customizing our wizard is simple: anything that can power our gnoll melee units.

    Useful features:

    • Alchemy (+10% chance to hit for free magic weapons).
    • Warrior (for extra unit level).

    PS Since you have the alchemy trait, you probably won’t need the channeler trait.

    Useful mantras:


    • Wandering Island (for traveling across the ocean).
    • Confusion (War Magic).
    • Phantom Warriors (War Magic).


    • to heal
    • Holy weapon
    • Bravery
    • Blessing (against Death Mages)
    • Bravery


    The nature

    Remember that gnolls don’t walk on water, and building ships is too slow for an early offense. So you might want to pick up some magic books for Wandering Island Magic.

    play game

    Our goal is to conquer an enemy castle before round 70, while the enemy mage has no midgame units. This is possible before round 40 with some luck.

    Rounds 1 – 20

    • In your starting city, build a granary for food.
    • In your starting city, keep making gnoll spearmen and nothing else.
    • Send each unit separately to explore the map.
    • Get a free magic spirit and use it to explore the map.
    • Summon an additional magical spirit to find the map.
    • Find the cities as fast as you can and conquer them all with your gnoll troops.
    • Using conquered cities to produce food to sustain his growing army.

    Rounds 20 – 40

    • Meet the closest enemy mage, he will soon declare war on you.
    • Destroy every town/outpost near the enemy’s castle to weaken this mage. Unless you think you can protect it.
    • Recruit 1 – 2 heroes.

    Rounds 40 – 70

    • Conquer the enemy’s mage fortress (usually requires 5 – 8 gnoll spearman units plus your own heroes).
    • Get ready to travel across the ocean to fight other enemy wizards.
    • Get ready to build some Gnoll Wolf Riders (or other midgame units).

    Round 70+

    • Now you stand as probably the strongest wizard in the game, so feel free to play easy, survivor mode is over.

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