‘It’s been less than a week since I’ve been playing with the team again’


    Lee”fearlessEui-Seok, the veteran tank of the Houston Outlaws and a freshly crowned RoleStar, has been a standout in the Overwatch League Season 6 playoffs.

    Despite being one of the consensus best tanks the league has ever seen, it looks like a meta switch could bench the star player for the playoffs, with reports suggesting that Soraya will be the primary during playoff weeks. There will be a tank.

    As the meta became more open and chaotic shortly before the start in Toronto, his skills were needed again and he returned to the starting lineup.

    In a post-match press conference, he spoke about navigating the meta-shifts and experiencing the temporary nature of success in seeing his former teammate Han.Chi Yu“Hyun Seok and Kwon”Fielder“John, hurry up.

    Adapting to Meta Dance

    Expecting to have a meta anchor around Soraya and Genji due to the recent balance update, several teams, including the Outlaws, adjusted their rosters. Outlaws sign off-tank specialist ShinBernar” Se-won, hoping for him to shine in this anticipated metagame.

    However, the metastate evolved, allowing for a variety of playstyles, and this change paved the way for the return of the fearless. Commenting on their re-integration, Nerd said, “It really hasn’t been that long. We’ve only been in Toronto for a few days so it’s been less than a week since I’ve been back with the team.

    So far, the Outlaws have shown mixed results. After his match against Florida Mayhem, he faced some fighting words from his opponents. Fearless, seemingly unfazed by the earlier results, replied confidently, “At the end of the day, we lost so we can’t say much but next time it won’t be so easy.”

    Reflecting on former teammates

    After traveling through the league and winning the Grand Finals with the Dallas Fuel in Season 5, Fearless has seen the peaks and valleys of competitive play.

    The early exit of his former teammate Chi Yu and Felder from Atlanta’s reign in the playoffs was particularly surprising.

    Felder and ChiYo have been good teammates of mine and are genuinely good players, so it was surprising and sad to see them go out this early in the tournament.

    Reflecting on the nature of being a professional athlete fighting for the title, Fearless added: “If anything, it reminds me that it can happen to anyone. It can be us. We just have to try harder.

    The Houston Outlaws are set to play against the Dallas Fuel, a classic matchup dubbed “The Battle for Texas” by the Overwatch community. The match carries extra weight as Fearless faces his former teammates.

    In a previous press conference, former Dallas Fuel Tanker and Fearless teammate, Choi “Hanbin“Han-bin shared that he was looking forward to playing against his old teammate.” I am very excited to face Fearless. I feel like we’re going to have a blast,” he admitted. In the press conference after the match


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