How to use The Witcher 3 photo mode



    One feature of The Witcher 3’s next-gen update is a Photo Mode feature, which allows users to take detailed screenshots. However, the use of Photo modes tends to differ between games, and Witcher 3 is no different.

    How to use photo mode in Witcher 3

    If you want to use Photo Mode in The Witcher 3 to take great screenshots, you need to press a specific key either buttons. On PC, the key you need to press to activate Photo Mode is the u key. However, for console players, you need to press LS Y RS at the same time. After pressing any button or key, Photo Mode will activate and pause the game. After activating Photo Mode, you can use it in Witcher 3 to take detailed screenshots using a variety of filters and different settings. You can use any configuration by selecting an option and using the DPAD on a controller or the keyboard and mouse. Use your system controls to increase or decrease option sliders or turn specific filters on or off. The following are all the options and settings that players can change while using Photo Mode:

    Related: What does “Simulate Witcher 2 Save Data” mean in Witcher 3?

    • Camera
    • depth of field
      • auto focus
      • Opening
      • focus distance
    • effects
      • Exposition
      • Contrast
      • Reflexes
      • Temperature
      • Saturation
      • chromatic aberration
      • Grain
    • Cover

    How to disable the Witcher 3 photo mode UI

    If you want to disable the UI while trying to take pictures in Witcher 3’s photo mode, you need to press a specific key. On PC, the key to select is the Tab key, and on consoles, press the analog stick down.

    For more on Witcher 3, we at MyFullGames have you covered with guides like How to Show FPS Counter in Witcher 3 and How to Get Dol Blathanna and White Tiger Gear for The Witcher 3.



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