How to show FPS counter in Witcher 3



    When Witcher 3 is having performance issues and you don’t know exactly why, it can be helpful to display an FPS counter as it can rule out a possible source of problems. FPS stands for “frames per second” and is displayed as a number at the top of the screen. This number lets you know if your PC is working properly or if it’s having trouble displaying frames fast enough. Here’s how to display an FPS counter in Witcher 3.

    How to enable FPS counter in Witcher 3

    Image from MyFullGames

    Although several games have an option to enable an FPS counter within their menu, Witcher 3 is an outlier. To display an FPS counter in this game, you must open Steam and select the Vapor menu option at the top of the screen. From here, press settings to open the Steam options menu. A popup window should appear, with various settings menus in a sidebar. From this list of options, select InPlay. From the dropdown menu titled ‘In-Game FPS Counter’, choose an area of ​​your screen where you want the FPS counter to appear.

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    If you have vision problems, enabling the ‘High Contrast Color’ option will make the FPS counter bright green. after pressing okay, every Steam game you play should now have an FPS counter at the specified location on your screen. This FPS number is constantly updated, so you can use it to find the source of your performance issues. Some games usually run fine but experience unexplained FPS drops during certain scenes or in specific areas. If your device is running into a similar issue, try lowering your graphics settings during these scenes and check how your FPS fares.

    For more Witcher 3 guides, check out How to Get Netflix Witcher Gear for The Witcher 3 here on MyFullGames.



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