How to get Tot Music in a One Piece game (AOPG) – Roblox


    Thanks to having huge damage output, Tot Musica became one of the best fruits in A One Piece Game. However, players will have to get quite far into the game before they can grab this fruit. They’ll also need to beat a pretty tough boss, but such a strong fruit is worth the trip.

    Where can players find Tot Musica in A One Piece Game (AOPG) – Roblox?

    The Tot Musica fruit is located in Third Sea in A One Piece Game, so players will need to have Third Sea unlocked before starting searching. In particular, players should head to Elegia Island, which is beyond Dawn Island.

    Once on the island, turn left and continue towards the dead end with all the buildings in a circle. In the middle of the circle is Uta, who drops the sheet music. He fights Uta, he defeats Uta and will probably drop the sheet music, which players will need to get Tot Musica.

    From that dead end, go back and go to the other part of Elegia Island with the large amphitheater. Here, players can challenge the Tot Musica boss. This boss is quite large, with hard-hitting AOEs, but players can still stay out of range of him for an easy victory.

    Related: One Piece Game Tier List: Best Devil Fruits

    If Tot Musica drops the Transformation Scroll, the player will have access to Tot Musica. Fortunately, the boss has the chance to drop a few other items, which are as follows:

    • Diva At – 1500 fruits
    • Headphones – 1100 fruits, 900 haki
    • rhythmic Coat – 1000 Defense, 1300 Fruit, 500 Strength

    If all of this seems like too much effort, players can also get Tot Musica Fruit from the Gamepass. However, this option is very expensive, so it’s usually best to just drop the boss.

    Do you want more One Piece game guides? MyFullGames has you covered with What is a One Piece Game Trello Link?


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