How many friends can you have in Pokemon GO?


    Their friends and our friends aren’t friends.

    Pokemon GO is best enjoyed with friends. Friends ease raids, and meanwhile, you may send and receive gifts everyday. To be precise, you must be able to give up a maximum of 20 gifts every day.

    Those of you with huge social group might be curious to know if you’re a friend of mine in Pokemon GO. One can even ask yourself if you are trading friends code on the web. You should not worry about it, so be aware of limits before you go into the Facebook or Twitter.

    Screenshot by Destructoid.

    What do the friends limit in Pokemon GO?

    In Pokemon GO, maximum number of friends is 400. This is a sharp increase from the initial maximum of 200 friends during the games launch. Unfortunately there is one caveat: this is shared in all Niantic games.

    As of writing, this extends to Pekmin Bloom and Ingress Prime. While Harry Potter: Wizards Unite was once included in this list, this has been discontinued since then. You won’t be able to play these games with your friends. Even though you’re different from your friends who play both games, you’re likely to need to cut. If your Pokemon GO account is capping out before hitting 400 friends, try to remember any other Niantic games you might have played. If you need a shortcut, click here to view a Niantic profile.

    If you’re trading friend codes online and playing multiple games, try to make you a list of friends with players who are in both games. For me, the only way you play of Niantic is Pokemon GO. Niantic has several games planned for their future, such as Peridot and MARVEL World of Heroes. If these titles catch your attention, then this friend limit will backlash at you.

    When you are not able to reach the limit of your friends list, try not to remove any friends which have been online for more than 2 days. If you are still active, you can always add them back as long as you know it isn’t personal. Friends who haven’t been active in the game for over 90 days are eligible for referral rewards.


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