Housemark celebrates Returnal’s 3-year anniversary with the Fallen Austrian animated adaptation, graphic novel, and more.


    Housemarque is celebrating the three-year anniversary of its hit shooter Roguelike Returnal by teaming up with Dark Horse Comics for a graphic novel, art book, and a new animated adaptation that you can check out right now. The news follows yesterday’s teases from both Housemark and later Dark Horse Comics about the return, sending fans into an understandable frenzy about what the teams have in store for the players.

    “Another year, another cycle,” a Post Reads from Housemark on X (formerly Twitter). “For the third time, additional loot has been revealed with the Dark Horse Flare.”

    Here’s what he brings to the moody universe:

    • Return: Fallen Asteria Graphic novel
    • Return art book
    • Fallen Austria dynamic adaptation

    Now, even as PlayStation dips its toes into cross-media production with Amazon’s God of War series and Netflix’s Horizon adaptation, this comeback adaptation isn’t the same. Instead, it’s an “animated version” of the first issue of the upcoming graphic novel, Return: Fallen AsteriaCheck it out for yourself below:

    Hosuemarque says the 88-page graphic novel will hit bookstore shelves in paperback on October 22, 2024, and it will hit comic book shops the following day.

    It is not clear whether the above is a dynamic adaptation. gave Today’s announcement of the animated adaptation is referencing it or, if it’s only the first part of it, since it only adapts the first issue of the graphic novel.

    Here’s a look back: the Austrian issues dropping this October:

    No word on when the return art book will be out, but it’s likely this year.

    To know more about the game, read on Sports informant Check out The Return, and then check out this story about the PC specs needed to play The Return on desktop or laptop. Next, read about Returnal’s Ascension Update, which added co-op gameplay and a new challenge tower to the game.

    Returns to PlayStation 5 on April 30, 2021. It launched on February 15, 2023 on PC.

    Are you excited about today’s comeback news? Let us know in the comments below!


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