Hogwarts Legacy: which house to choose and how to choose


    The house you are sorted into colors your entire Hogwarts experience in shades of red, yellow, green, or blue. houses in the Harry Potter The series illustrates different character traits among students and the experience is essentially the same for Hogwarts Legacy. However, if you don’t want to leave the ranking to chance, here’s how you can choose the right Hogwarts house for you.

    Choosing a house in Hogwarts Legacy

    In the game, you will don the Sorting Hat after enrolling in Hogwarts. This hat will announce the house you will belong to for the rest of the game. If you already know which house you belong to, or if you prefer to belong to a house that aligns more closely with you, you can transfer your house and wand data from the Wizarding World website in the game

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    When you are in Wizarding World, go to the Hogwarts Classification and create an account or log in. Once you’re logged in, you’ll want to complete the house and wand trials.

    There are four houses that it can be sorted into and they all reflect different core personalities. They are:

    • ravenclaw: Known for his intelligence.
    • Hufflepuff: Known for empathy.
    • slytherins: Known for ambition.
    • gryffindor: Known for his bravery.

    Once you know your house, go to Warner Bros and create an account if you don’t already have one. Then you will go to the login page in Hogwarts Legacy to link the two accounts. Follow the instructions on the screen and you will be ready to play as your assigned house. Linking accounts will also give you a reward in the form of beaked skull mask and a House Fan-atic School Robe.

    Looking for more Hogwarts Legacy content in MyFullGames? Check out Who is the Headmaster at Hogwarts Legacy? Answered.


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