Google will need to get workers more productive next year



    Next year, Google will introduce a new performance appraisal system. According to CNBC sources, this will lead to more employees having low earnings and being at risk of being fired, and it will become very difficult to earn high prices.

    Image Source: Google.

    At the last Google general meeting and last week, a separate presentation of the new system reported that only 6% of full-time employees will go into a low rating group under the new system. Also, 22% of employees will receive high marks that allow them to fall in a top two categories. For example, when working in a transparent category, employees must achieve the impossible or contribute to the company.

    Google announced that an effective user guide to information technology, it called Google Reviews and Development. Besides, the employees of the company have complained of the procedural and technical shortcomings of the GRAD. They fear the system will not adequately evaluate their work. While Google has not yet avoided the massive layoffs that have swept through other tech companies, the lack of nervousness continues to rise. Some employees don’t rule out that the new rating system may become the company’s tool for large-scale employees reduction.

    At the last general meeting, Google employees said that performance evaluations were a result of high stress. Several of them expressed lack of respect for the leadership, a lack of reshape in the systoos, and the fact that the system of examination at the end of the year is only contributing to the panic and the stress, especially amid rumors that there were no layoffs.

    In fact, it was reported that employees began to be checked shortly before quarterly deadlines and management changed the review process. Many people at Google asked the companys manager during the meeting whether special quotas are being prepared to enroll employees in lower performance categories that will help sort out the employees for layoffs in 2023. Although the management stated there were no quotas, this didn’t convince the employees.

    Those who claim to have quit the industry increase their stress levels, anxiety and burnout at Google, but executives prefer to avoid direct answers. Sundar pichai, Google CEO, said that it doesn’t really mean we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. The director of Google promised only to work the best way possible on new things.

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