Fortnites Deku Smash weapon item has been disabled for photosensitivity reasons


    My Hero Academia recently arrived at Fortnite, and players love to use some of their favorite heroes in fighting. Unfortunately, fans of Deku will be disappointed for a while since the lone-handed weapon Deku is temporarily disabled. The first reason for this is photosensitivity. The animation isn’t friendly with epilepsy players.

    Fortnites social media channels haven’t mentioned this issue, instead just reporting that the Deku Smash weapon has been disabled. It does mention one thing, but that doesn’t know whether it’s or if the weapon will be back online.

    We had problems with the Deku Smash capability. has an issue.

    Fortnite status (@FortniteStatus) December 21, 2022.

    Since players have noted the strength of the Deku Smash weapon has made it overpowered, it is great that it’s being disabled for other issues. It’s important to ensure that everyone plays Fortnite, and some players have a terrible epilepsy which can be caused by flashy animations. It’s worth noting that there is no mention of the weapon being prohibited, which means it may come back after some repair.

    If an item is still discarded or replaced, the weapon must be removed immediately. This is expected because such challenges wouldn’t be complete without the weapon. It has raised some concerns that the weapon is going to be gone for good, though there haven’t been any concrete statements about the removal.

    For now, players will find it hard to play Fortnite without unexpected flashing animations. A deku tbw weapon may return or substitute for another item. In the meantime, players can use other MHA related weapons, or play with their favorite MHA hero skins.


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