Fallout Shelter earns tenfold cash with the release of the Fallout TV show.

    • Fallout Shelter has seen a huge increase in revenue since the launch of the TV show.
    • In fact all Fallout games have seen an increase in purchases and player count.
    • But can more be done to bring the franchise to mobile?

    It’s no secret that Fallout, the post-apocalyptic RPG, has seen a huge increase in player numbers thanks to the release of the recent Amazon Prime TV show. Fallout 4 saw the biggest jump in players, but 76, 3 and New Vegas all saw increases. But one game that has flown under the radar is Fallout Shelter, which while we don’t have the number of players, has ten times its daily revenue before the show airs.

    Fallout Shelter is a base-building game that allows you to build your own vault, a nuclear-proof bunker that houses many survivors but also hides terrifying secrets from before the war. And with the addition of new, recruitable characters to the show, along with the first content update in years, it looks like Fallout Shelter has shown it still retains a large player base.

    Crawl out through the fallout

    But more than that, it begs the question, why don’t we see more Fallout games on mobile? Sure, Amazon Luna offers a way to play many console and PC Fallout titles through your phone, but we’re talking about actual local play, not just streaming.

    What we are talking about are the original games, like Fallout 1, 2 and Strategy. As far as hardware demands these games came out before the turn of the millennium, and while they’ll need some work to run well on mobile, we can’t help but feel that That they will kill.

    Maybe the next step for Bethesda as they look for a way to capitalize on the show’s popularity? We will have to wait and see.


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