Dwarf Castle – Kobold Camp Guide



    Kobold Kamp is starting to have quite a bit of systems and reactions, so I’ll detail how it works here.

    Guide to the Kobold Camp

    Absolute basics

    Kobold Camp is my take on a mod that has been around in many iterations throughout Dwarf Fortress history. I have decided to move them in a direction where they are anywhere between the earliest traces of the Paleolithic to the working of iron and bronze. Most of the ores aren’t worth much to you (but still make good crafts to sell) and overall you’re at a disadvantage compared to being a standard dwarf.

    Some facts about Kobolds:

    • Kobolds are small, smaller than dwarves. Things that would be minor annoyances to a dwarf can be a legitimate threat to a kobold. This also means that most sets of armor from foreign civs will not be usable without first being refitted.
    • Kobolds live (relatively) fast and die (somewhat) young. With a maximum age of 50 and reaching adulthood at 5, a few sets of kobolds in love can help populate your camp if you survive long enough.
    • Kobolds struggle with many attributes. They are somewhat strong and agile for their size, but many of their mental traits are below average human, ranging from mild malpractice to severe disability (don’t go to a kobold music session).
    • Kobolds are a bit more unusual. They don’t need alcohol to be happy (but water or something else drinkable is still needed to stay alive.) They also lack the capacity for strange moods, and lack the natural ability to enter martial trances. Is.

    Kobold technology

    The real meat of the matter is how kobolds use tools and tech in their own daring ways.


    An epitome of ancient smelting methods such as pit kilns and campfire smelting, the Kiln will be where you put your hands to metals. Clay is an important resource that is also collected through kiln orders. If you have factors other than tin and copper in the form of writing materials and building blocks, it is used to cast bronze objects.

    Craft shop

    Where most of your other reactions are going to happen. It features wood, bone and cold hammered copper/silver with antique iron. Quite simply, you only need the necessary materials to extract the goods. Wood and bone make poor weapon and armor materials, but they are light and cheap. Before working here you need to make flowers from meteoric/bog iron in the kiln. You can also refit outfits here, though I’d be careful about refitting items you can craft locally without attaching workshops first as the reaction might rip off the armor you’ve made.

    clothes shop

    If you’re pressed, he has some options for ancient clothing, as well as some really badass armor like cloth or woven straw.

    Leather work

    You can make a leather cord (rope) here.

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