Dark and Darker Lawsuit Update – What is the Latest?



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    If you’re a fan of Dark and Darker, you might be aware of the lawsuit developer Ironmace are facing from Nexon Korea Corporation. The allegations are the game’s code and assets were reportedly stolen from Nexon Korea Corporation, leading to quite a messy situation. The lawsuit has been sitting in the District Court, Western District of Washington, but some developments have surfaced.

    Dark and Darker Lawsuit Dismissed by US Court

    On June 16, 2023, Ironmace’s CEO shared a message to the game’s fans on Discord saying they’d received a 30-day extension before they had to respond to the lawsuit. This has kept fans on the edge of their seats, who have all been skeptical about the game’s future.

    All of this, however, can be put aside (at least for now), as the US District Court in Western Washington have dismissed the lawsuit and terminated the motion against Ironmace Co., Ltd. by Nexon Korea. This marks a huge victory for the game’s developers and fans alike, and means there might be nothing stopping the developers from going full-force.

    Related: What is Dark and Darker? Release date, platform, permadeath, and more!

    Ironmace aren’t out of the woods fully just yet, since the case might get even messier and move to the Korean courts. These are just speculations, but either way, it’s a good time for the developers and the fans to celebrate.

    For more on Dark and Darker, check out Dark and Darker Cheats and Hacks, Explained here on MyFullGames.



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