CoD fans are dropping Warzone for Fortnite ahead of MW3


    It’ll come as no shock to anyone that Call of Duty players have complaints about Warzone.

    The battle royale game has a pretty gigantic hold on fans of the shooter franchise, though that doesn’t mean that they won’t lambast it when they find the opportunity. The giant title is laden with bugs, glitches and cheaters, but players simply won’t stomach the idea of a competitor, as it doesn’t put to use the mechanics that make Call of Duty such an infectious series to play in its mainline appearances year after year.

    But now it looks like something is changing.

    Call of Duty players are ditching Warzone for Fortnite

    We can’t lie, this is pretty unexpected.

    Though the Warzone community has a pretty grand habit of slating other battle royale games in the industry (especially those that appeal to young people), it seems that there are some in the community suffering a crisis of confidence.

    One report in the CoDWarzone subreddit has claimed that a player is considering jumping ship for Fortnite, considering the current shape that the Call of Duty battle royale is in.

    Lifelong COD guy, as loyal as they come – 2009 MW2 was during my college years,” starts user cleverlymental. “Jumped over to Fortnite Zero Build last week, first time trying Fortnite and never played the OG. I was shocked at how smoothly the game runs and how much fun it is. I know coming straight from such a broken game can highlight these things even more, but how could this be? How is there such a mechanical difference in these two games? Is it merely that the Fortnite developers are better skilled? COD is a much older franchise, but playing Fortnite makes Warzone look like it’s a joke.

    It’s a pretty bold admission from a member of a community that is notorious for considering itself the best of all – but other fans seem to agree.

    Fans react to claims that Fortnite is better than Warzone

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    Epic Games

    I think it’s the best BR on the market rn since it’s so approachable by people from different walks of life, with different playstyles,” adds one comment. “I can be sweatin my ass off meanwhile my (more casual) mate is fishing and we’re both having fun in our own way.

    If overnight Fortnite looked like COD and was more military it’d take 50% if not more than COD’s base,” reads another. “The only reason people don’t play Fortnite is they don’t like the aesthetics/”too cartoonish” or they don’t know you don’t have to build now. It’s one of the only modern games that doesn’t blow, isn’t a shameless money grab and delivers constant content that changes the game to make it fresh.

    It looks like CoD fans are starting to look a little fondly on Fortnite, though it frankly doesn’t need them like they need it. If you’ve been umming and ahhing about Warzone in its current state, take Fortnite for a spin – it certainly can’t hurt.


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