Chocobo GP has been on board with Season 5 update



    Postlaunch support for Chocobo GP will finish with the Season 5 / version 1.4.0 update that launched today, Square Enix announced.

    Season 5 is the last season where prize pass levels are used in a GP mode called Chocobo. After season 5 will end, slashes will continue with the gratification of prizes, and so no further big-scale game updates will be added. Chocobo GP mode is still playable.

    The sale of Mythril in the e-shop are also discontinued at today. Any mythril that you already have is still up to now being used in the mythril shop, if not beyond, but the shop it own will disappear on January 6 2023.

    Take the full update from Square Enix below.

    Thank you for the game Chocobo-GP.

    There are two seasons in the GP mode: Season 5, which the winner will receive. Reports with specific policies are given below.

    • For years, the class will continue, without the use of prize pass levels, the same time as the current season off.
    • At the moment, the game has not been updated, with new characters, and new maps, followed by the Season 5 update on Wednesday 21 December 2022.

    *It’s still possible to play the Chocobo GP mode itself.

    Enough sales of Mythril on the Nintendo e-shop have been discontinued with the update now at 15:00.

    Mythril that players own will be used in the mythril shop during Season 5 and beyond. Unfortunately, its members will remain silent in the same fashion, but all purchases will be thrown over by the store itself when a mythril becomes invalid as of 10.00 on January 6, 2023 (JST). Accordingly, please be aware that mythril, plus any other non-paid part of the mythril, will not be valid at present.

    *If you do not wish to receive a refund for Mythril, you’ll likely spend more than one-third of the money you have made.

    While new items are being added to mythril store a lot as soon as it happens during Season five, the same will be added to ticket or gil shop at the same time and then become accessible for money without spending mythril.

    Ticket or Gil Shop items originally sold in Mythril shop during the Season 0-4 period may also be added to the Ticket or Gil store.

    *As far as the price of things that were originally sold to the Mythril shop by the start of season 1, it can also be put back on sale. *Most of the item awarded for Season 1 as Prize Level rewards are also allowed to be sold at the Ticket or Gil Shop.

    We hope you’re having fun at Chocobo.

    Chocobo GP is now available for Switch.



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