Bethesda is working on new ways to travel, city maps, mode support, and more for Starfield.


    Developer Bethesda Game Studios is working on bringing advanced support, city maps, and “all new ways to travel” to its recently released sci-fi RPG, Starfield. He made the announcement via the official developer Reddit account’s Starfield subreddit comment, as reported. IGN. The team says it’s also working on other things, like quest fixes, hotfixes, and more.

    It says players can expect fixes and updates to roll out roughly every six weeks, though if something can be fixed with an immediate hotfix, it’ll start in between the six-week wait. can

    While the bug and development fixes are nice, it’s the new travel methods and city maps that have me most excited. Starfield cities are fun to travel to, but actually learning them without a map is quite difficult. And I’m hoping that new modes of travel will make it easier to traverse vast landscapes on alien planets – I’m tired of walking 10 minutes to land and reach a point of interest.

    “We’re also hard at work on many new features you’ve asked for, from city maps to mode support, to all new modes of travel (stay tuned!). Comment reads on the Starfield subreddit from Bethesda Game Studios. “This will begin with a regular cadence of fixes and updates that we expect every six weeks. One of them out there as well.

    “Safety is the key here. It takes us a long time to test even the smallest change in this big and dynamic game.”

    Elsewhere in the comments, the team says, “Although we’ve fixed a number of search issues from occurring, ongoing search fixes are very difficult to fix and we’ve built a new system to fix them. is, without giving you back your savings.”

    Read on to know more about the game Informant in the game Check out Starfield and then read about how it had the biggest launch ever for a Bethesda game. Next, check out this story about how Starfield is surprisingly awesome using Remote Play, and then read about how I think Starfield is more sci-fi theme park than open-world adventure. Why is like

    What would you like to see added to Starfield one day? Let us know in the comments below!


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