Battlestar Galactica Deadlock – Multiplayer Ship Ranking (Colonial)



    Classifying ships according to their value from MP point of view.


    The colonial warfare style favors generalist ships, with colonial vs. colonial engagements and gunnery defense + speed bias in the presence of a fighter when facing Cylons.

    S. Tire

    The cream of the crop, the S-class ships, are the ships that represent the colonial gold standard in terms of performance and are generally suited to the fleet, no matter the conditions.


    The second cheapest Colonial Battlestar, the Artemis packs it all. High firepower, 2 squadron slots, an ammunition slot, flak, decent speed, armor and hull stats and a class 3 hull. Artemis is the ultimate all-rounder in a fleet that values ​​its generalists. Artemis is rarely a bad choice for a fleet, forming the backbone of a fleet with fast maneuvers or the supporting components of a fleet built around slower vessels.


    How about Artemis, but cheaper? Enter Valkyrie. Valkyrie trades some firepower, armor and hull for even more speed. While its airwing is limited to only one squadron, it is capable of equipping a squadron of Mk7s in that slot, making its airpower nearly equal to that of the Artemis (and rivaling it in airpower per FP ). As an added bonus, Valkyrie’s armored faces are such that Valk will often use up all of his armor levels, making him more tank-like than Artemis.


    What do you get if you put the 2 elements together? An Artemis. So it’s just as good that it’s half the price. The squadron slot, along with the ammunition slot, are some of the best guns in the game before noting that these 4 light guns are highly flexible, capable of hitting most targets effectively. The only thing Adamant lacks is a flake field, but that’s generally okay since it’s never been seen far away from battlestars that provide one.


    Welcome to Orion, the smallest ship in the game. A small frigate that punches, quite a litter. it is 6 Light guns on its dorsal surface give it incredibly good DPS. Add to that a salvo size bonus, a fighter squadron, cloaking system and an ammunition slot with a Class 2 hull, and you have a nasty little frigate that can take down an enemy fleet before unleashing a heavy barrage of artillery and guns. can reach It just needs to be saved to get there.

    As an added bonus, the Orions on the field demand a response from your enemy, forcing them to act in ways they wouldn’t normally want to.

    A tire

    A solid performer in the colonial fleet, these ships often excel in their role or demand a response from the enemy to counter. Many fleets will want to bring at least one of these vessels.


    What do you get when you combine the highest DPS, strongest airwing and highest bulk in the game at 18BA? The answer is knocking on Lee Adama’s door. As mentioned, the Mercury delivers strong performance in all areas except speed. The presence of one in the field requires that it be shot down immediately unless the enemy wants to see their capitals quickly destroyed, as no other ship can survive on Mercury for long. The support squadron and 2 ammunition slots are just the icing on the cake.

    Unfortunately for Mercury, his laziness is his downfall and can often find himself separated from the escorts if the opening maneuvers go on for too long as he needs to protect them. Or those escorts find themselves in a bad position instead.


    The Colonists have the best gunships, the Heracles offering great firepower and durability on par with Battlestars for a fraction of the price. Flak is a nice bonus, making a gunship that can operate independently of the fleet with little trouble.

    Heracles can win 2v1s against Revenants, 1v1s against Minotaurs and can beat most Warrior Stars solidly by getting on top of them and cutting off their fire control. Basestar will struggle in close contact with a Heracles, stopping Kratos and Guardians.

    Heracles’ only downside is its speed, which makes it a poor fit for fleets built for speed, and keeps it from S-tier.


    Alhamdulillah Barak! The Colonial’s dedicated carrier, the Atlas offers the first combined most effective airwing per FP in the game, rivaled only by the Mercury. However, the Atlas has the advantage of packing a support squadron at only 40% of the cost, meaning you can get a lot more support squadrons with the Atlas per FP. Otherwise, the Atlas offers excellent firepower as well as excellent durability that often surprises the enemy, 3 heavy guns and 2 mediums might not sound like much, but the Atlas survives long enough to get a lot of use out of them. can be picked up


    Weapons are rarely suitable for colonists in MP, but if you want to bring a specific missile boat, it’s best to bring the most bang for your buck.

    Due to the lack of squadron slots, Janus blocks your fleet in MP where squadrons are often the key to victory. The poor loadout and low accuracy of Janus’s guns doesn’t help either. However, having 3 ammo slots on a <1000FP ship is a selling point, making the Janus better than the Ranger if you need a lot of ammo which battlestars and frigates are unable to provide. Janus is also respectably tanky for its cost.

    The protector

    The Defender is a ship that has a lot going for it. Technical support, buffing nearby ships. Marine reinforcements to combat boarding and free scouting. A repair bay with rapid repair, to quickly repair damaged squadrons, even those whose motherships have been destroyed. Flak good stability. The only downside to Defender is it’s poor maneuverability and weapon range.


    A colonial pocket carrier, the Berzerk brings the most avid squadrons in the game and 400m more firepower than the colonial standard, at a range of 6200m on its broadside in the form of 5 medium guns. Although it’s squishy and dies quickly, Berzerk will do wonders if saved.

    B tier

    Ships that are overshadowed in their role by other ships, but fill space or are still decent performers. Often worth choosing if their equivalents in the S or A tier are too expensive, don’t suit the style of fleet you’re building or are restricted.

    Jupiter MkII

    The J2 offers the second highest practical DPS, highest theoretical DPS (at 16 Battlestar Artiller and 8 PDS) and the second most durable ship in the game, beaten only by the Mercury in these respects. It also has the largest flak field and a strong firewall. However, its fighter wing of 2 Mk2 squadrons is on par with the Atlas, a ship that costs less than half its price, and a second support squadron does little to improve upon it.

    The J2 is a good flagship choice for slow fleets when Mercury is restricted, or if Mercury is a weak topside firepower liability.


    The Ranger offers two ammunition slots for rapid reloading, allowing its guns to quickly throw ammunition at a target with a reasonable level of firepower.

    However, the Ranger is fragile for its cost and suffers from poor convergence on its weapon arcs, making it difficult to fire both the broadside and bottom guns at the same target, which is a combination of the topside and broadside of most ships. is more difficult than

    Otherwise, his speed makes him better for some fleets than Janus.

    The Minotaur

    The Minotaur offers excellent firepower and durability for its cost, making it an excellent line brawler in Colonial fleets looking to increase their firepower. However, unlike Heracles, it lacks defenses against munitions, resulting in it relying on ships such as Artemis and Jupiter for its protection.

    However, in fleets where speed is key, a Minotaur is often a better fit than a Herakles.


    With extra armor plating and ammo reloads, it’s hard not to like the Celestra. However, more often than not, the additional firepower will outweigh the benefits of armor plating and battles rarely last long and require reloads, making it more often than not a loadout of explosives. Not suitable for on-the-fly switching.

    C tire

    Ships in this tier have a special use, finding value in playing a role that no other ship provides. They are generally poor performers and need to be watched to make sure they don’t explode prematurely but can offer unique tactics.


    The longest-ranged ship in the game, the Minerva Colonial is the answer to the question “Do you have enough guns?” The answer is, no.

    However, Minerva suffers from paper-thin armor and a small flak field and requires constant monitoring to ensure her survival. It also can’t run away from most attackers and while still shooting back, it’s vulnerable to being focused.

    This changes when Minerva is paired with at least one protector and possibly Celestra. The Defender takes the Minerva’s already incredible range of 6400m to even greater heights and the Celestra helps solve the Minerva’s durability issues.


    The most dreaded range in the Colonial arsenal, the Manticore offers excellent scouting capabilities to a fleet. This Corvette cannon is the best in the game, but unfortunately it only sports one. While Manticores can be useful in wolf packs, it’s always better to bring better, more expensive ships and use squadrons to scout instead.

    F tire

    or J tier, for the Jupiter Mk1

    Jupiter Mk1

    At first glance, the J1 doesn’t look bad. 3rd best stability in game, high strength, 2 squadron slots? What’s not to hate? Unfortunately, the J1 has poor firing arc convergence, meaning its firepower is 8BA + 8 PDCs on the broadside + topside and 8 BA bow + bottom, meaning it underperforms strongly compared to the J2. The missing second support squadron is salt to the wound.

    Also, due to its bow and bottom combination, it cannot move forward to engage targets, preventing it from working effectively with the Herakles, unlike the J2 and Mercury.

    Overall, it’s usually worth paying the extra 350FP to get the J2, or saving 600FP and getting the Artemis instead.



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