Complete Guide to the Work Order System in WoW Dragonflight


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    The work order system, introduced early in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, is a system that seeks to encourage player interaction when it comes to the economic and crafting side of WoW. With Work Orders came a massive overhaul of all professions in the game, redesigned to work by mail. However, due to the nature of work orders and profession review, there can be some confusion as to how it all works together. Fortunately, we’ve spent enough time with the new system to be of any use. Here’s everything you need to know about work orders in Dragonflight.

    The work order system in Dragonflight

    There are many moving parts to the work order system, so we’ll break each part down to make each piece simple to understand. Some parts are easier than others, so we’ll prioritize the important points so that the finer details are just that: details.

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    Interacting with work orders requires you to be the craftsman either receiver. Crafters are those who have a profession and are willing to produce craft items from that profession. Recipients are those seeking to obtain an item crafted by a profession. Access to work orders is different depending on these two factors.

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    Work Orders as a Craftsman

    As a craftsman, you will always access work orders from your table of professions located in Valdrakken. This is also where you will make your most difficult recipes. In the same menu as your crafting recipes, there should be a tab at the bottom called Crafting Orders. Clicking on this tab will allow you to view your recipes, but will also give you access to three additional tabs at the top of the menu: Public, union and personal.

    • Public – Allows you to view work orders made through the general public. Anytime someone makes a public order, you’ll be able to see it here if you can create it.
    • Guild – Allows you to view work orders made by your current guild. As before, whenever someone within your guild places an order that you can create, you’ll be able to see it here. Anyone within your guild with the ability to craft the requested item can view them.
    • Staff – Allows you to see the Work Orders directly addressed to you by a recipient. Unlike the other two, you are the only one who can see these orders.

    Regardless of the type, if you choose to accept a work order, you will have a specific amount of time to complete it, typically five days. Also, the receiver who submitted the work order can cancel it at any time they want, so it’s in your best interest to do it in a timely manner.

    Work Orders as Receiver

    As a receiver, you will always request work via work orders from the work order center located in Valdrakken. Talking to a Crafting Orders NPC will open the Crafting Orders menu. Here you can search for any craftable and tradeable item that a player can make, and place an order. Recipients can place three types of orders: public Guild, Y Staff.

    • Public – Placing a public work order will allow anyone with the ability to create the requested item to view and accept it. You can cancel them at any time you want, as long as the order has not yet been completed.
    • Guild – Placing a guild work order will allow anyone within your current guild to view and accept it. You can cancel them at any time, as long as the order has not yet been completed.
    • Staff – Placing a personal work order will only allow the one person you requested to make a specific item to view and accept it. These can also be canceled at any time, as long as the order has not yet been completed.

    Unlike crafters, takers dictate what materials are used for the requested craft and even add additional rulers to the request to enhance the end result. For personal orders, recipients can ask the artisan to use some of their own materials, but we don’t. forever I recommend doing this as you may not get the item you want.

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    Receivers also have the ability to add a commission to their orders, allowing you to effectively tip other players for their services. You can also adjust the duration of the work order itself. Please note that this is different from the period of time given to a Crafter once an order has been accepted.

    Public vs Personal Work Orders

    There is a significant, important difference between public and personal work orders, and that is the amount of control you have over the trade itself. When making a public work order, cannot dictate the quality of the ordered item. However, when you use a personal work order, you can. It is for this sole reason that we recommend that you never use public work orders. Regardless of the materials you submit to the work order, anyone who can make the requested item in any quality range can make it as a public work order. This is not the case if you set the requested quality during a personal order.


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