What to do with crystal shards and shards in God of War Ragnarök


    If you’ve made it to Vanaheim Crater in God of War Ragnarök, chances are you’ve come across some large orange crystals. Thanks to Mimir, it’ll be pretty obvious when you’ve found one. If you attack the crystals, you will receive Crystalline Fragments & Shards, depending on the size of the crystal. However, Mimir’s help ends there, as he won’t be able to tell you what to do with them. This is where you need to take Crystalline Fragments & Shards in God of War Ragnarök.

    What are crystal shards and shards used for in God of War Ragnarök?

    Image from MyFullGames
    Image from MyFullGames

    Shards and Crystalline Shards can be dropped into the Wishing Well, located in a central location of The Crater in Vanaheim. Technically, there are three entrances to the Wishing Well, one from the plains, the jungle, and the sinkholes. However, you will first need to enter through the sinkholes or the jungle. Entrance to the Plains will only be available by kicking a chain after exiting the Wishing Well into the Plains. Entering the Wishing Well through the Sinkholes will require you to defeat Crag Jaw. Entering through The Jungle requires you to defeat an ogre first.

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    Once you’ve arrived, you’ll see a deer from A Stag for all Seasons Favor near the entrance between Wishing Well and Jungle. Go to the bottom of the cavern to find the Well. You’ll need to destroy the three orange crystals surrounding the pit (and get more shards and crystal shards) and then stand on the white platform with a swirl design. Mimir will guide you through the interaction with the Wishing Well by pressing EITHER. Throwing the Shards and Crystal Shards into the Wishing Well will reward you with armor, enchantments, weapon grips, crafting resources, and hacksilver.

    Looking for more help on God of War Ragnarök? Check out the Best Relics in God of War Ragnarok, Ranked or Best Amulet Enchantments in God of War Ragnarok: Enchantment Tier List here on MyFullGames.


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